Take me to the place I love

Dafne Schippers Bridge in Utrecht



This unique design inte­grates a bicycle and pede­strian bridge with a school and a park into one cohe­sive whole. As such, the Dafne Schip­pers bridge and elemen­tary school Oog in Al serve a variety of inte­rests. Cyclists, neigh­bour­hood resi­dents, a local primary school, the muni­ci­pa­lity, and the Ministry of Infra­struc­ture and the Envi­ron­ment were all involved in this project.

The bridge, which crosses the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal in Utrecht, is the main link in the express cycling route that connects the histo­rical city centre with the new neigh­bour­hood of Leid­sche Rijn. Cyclists travel­ling from the city centre to Leid­sche Rijn will cycle to a height of nine metres as they veer around Victor Hugo park in a wide bend, taking them across the roof of the school and over the canal.

The special ones

In addi­tion, by inte­gra­ting func­tions and making the bridge an inte­gral part of the public space in the neigh­bour­hood, it is an important and special meeting point for local resi­dents and school children. The double land use with maximum space for gree­nery makes the Dafne Schip­pers bridge unique, not only as a bridge but also as a place in its own right.

By the way, the name giver of the bridge is also special: Dafne Schip­pers was born in Utrecht and is a very successful athlete (among others Euro­pean athlete of the years 2014 and 2015).

Fluent movement

In one fluent move­ment the bicycle route, park and school are joined toge­ther in a coherent infra­struc­ture, buil­ding and land­scape. The design chal­lenges all the involved desi­gners to intensly colla­bo­rate and clearly tune into each other.

The bicycle bridge, being posi­tioned on the south side, creates space on the north side for a recrea­tional area. The school and recrea­tional area orien­tate towards the park. This is made possible by making the east side of the school, under the bridge, more narrow. The result is a private recrea­tional area atta­ched to the public park and an appa­rent, natural entrance in conti­nua­tion of the street. The wide side of the school at the water comple­ments the park and creates a safe enclosed space for the school children to play.

Panoramic view

The roof garden is an essen­tial element between the diffe­rent programmes. The garden is a conti­nua­tion of the green envi­ron­ment on the roof, it offers extra space for the school to enjoy and creates a natural distance between the school and the cyclist.

In a wide angle cyclist are lifted up from the park, guided around the perma culture garden on the roof of the gym of the school, and lead through the trees, with a pano­r­amic view over the canal. Flanked by water, the cyclist rides between an inter­wea­ving design of cables toward a lean gateway to safely land in Leid­sche Rijn.

The Dafne Schip­pers bridge received an hono­urable mention for the Dutch Concrete Prize 2017 and was nomi­nated for the Roof of the Year Awards 2016.

We did this.

Project data and compa­nies involved


P. v. Vlis­sin­gen­straat 2a
NL — 1096 BK Amsterdam

rudy uyten­haak + part­ners archi­tecten
Jan Ever­t­senstraat 779
NL — 1061XZ, Amsterdam


Bart Reuser, Marijn Schenk, Michel Schrei­ne­ma­chers, Jurriaan Hiller­ström, Tara Steen­vorden, Mark Jonge­rius, Rudy Uyten­haak, Karin Dorrepaal, Jona­than van Leuzen


City of Utrecht
Stads­pla­teau 1
NL — 3521 AZ Utrecht

Landscape architect

Bureau B+B
Gedempt Hamer­ka­naal 96 
NL — 1021 KR Amsterdam

Structural engineering bridge

Arup Amsterdam




NL — 3528 BG Utrecht


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Photo­graphy: Jeroen Musch

Mastum Daksys­temen / Maurice Iseger


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