The place to be

FSB 2019



FSB – Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties will open its doors on 5 November 2019. Almost 620 compa­nies from 45 count­ries will descend upon Koeln­messe to show­case their range of products and services. With more than 60 per cent of the busi­nesses exhi­bi­ting at FSB coming from outside Germany, the event will be an inter­na­tional high­light for the industry and one of its leading plat­forms for trends and commu­ni­ca­tions.

As the only trade fair in the world, FSB gives all the market players a compre­hen­sive over­view of new tech­no­lo­gies, product inno­va­tions, process opti­mi­sa­tions and visio­nary concepts, making it a key source of inspi­ra­tion for the deve­lo­p­ment and design of tomorrow’s urban living envi­ron­ments.

The expan­sion of FSB’s concept also plays a role in this. In November 2019, FSB will focus on all issues rela­ting to the plan­ning and design of open spaces, sports faci­lity archi­tec­ture, play­grounds, sports equip­ment, exer­cise faci­li­ties and leisure amen­i­ties. FSB takes place from 5 to 8 November 2019; the concep­tual sponsor of the event is the Inter­na­tional Asso­cia­tion for Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties (IAKS).


FSB will from now on be staged in Halls 7, 9 and 10 of the Cologne fair grounds. Presented in Hall 7, directly adja­cent to the pool-themed areas at the co-located event aqua­nale, the Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Sauna, Pool and Ambi­ence, the public space/playground equip­ment area is an exci­ting and comple­men­tary segment, not least for opera­tors of both public and leisure pool faci­li­ties and water parks.

Span­ning in total around 90,000 square metres of exhi­bi­tion space, both events, FSB and aqua­nale, turn the fair grounds in Cologne into the most important loca­tion for amenity area plan­ning and design, the archi­tec­ture and manage­ment of sports faci­li­ties, play­grounds, sports equip­ment, exer­cise areas, recrea­tional faci­li­ties, as well as the public and private pool sectors. The world-renowned IAKS Congress, along with further congresses and specia­lised events rela­ting to “Public space, rrban design and the plan­ning, cons­truc­tion and manage­ment of sports faci­li­ties” under­line the high level of FSB as the leading inter­na­tional trade fair. 

In the sports faci­li­ties and equip­ment section in Halls 9 and 10, FSB can once again count on its trusted content part­ners, the German Olympic Sports Confe­de­ra­tion (DOSB), the BSI (Bundes­ver­band der Deut­schen Sport­ar­tikel-Indus­trie/­German Sports Equip­ment Industry Asso­cia­tion) with its sports and gymnastics equip­ment quality assu­rance asso­cia­tion, as well as the Euro­pean Synthetic Turf Council (ESTC) and its US coun­ter­part, the Synthetic Turf Council, the Inter­na­tional Basket­ball Fede­ra­tion (FIBA), and FIFA. Here, too, almost all inter­na­tio­nally renowned suppliers will be exhi­bi­ting. 


Once again, the IAKS Congress will be a high­light, taking place for the 26th time as part of FSB. In panel discus­sions, expert presen­ta­tions and work­shops at the IAKS Congress, parti­ci­pants can learn about the archi­tec­tural and manage­ment trends that should be taken into account now and in the future.

In addi­tion, IOC, IPC and IAKS will once again confer the coveted inter­na­tional archi­tec­ture prizes in 2019. The awards draw the public’s atten­tion to exem­plary buil­dings and faci­li­ties that succeed in brin­ging the factors sustaina­bi­lity and legacy, clear func­tion­a­lity and excep­tional archi­tec­ture into harmony with each other. Further­more, the IOC IPC IAKS Archi­tec­ture and Design Award for Students and Young Profes­sio­nals invites young archi­tects, land­scape archi­tects and desi­gners to present their ideas.

Even more program

The trade fair presence of the BSFH (Bundes­ver­band für Spiel­platz­ge­räte- & Frei­zeit­an­lagen-Hersteller e.V./Federal Asso­cia­tion of Play­ground Equip­ment and Leisure Faci­li­ties Manu­fac­tu­rers) at FSB 2017 in Cologne is domi­nated by the motto “The schoo­lyard is beco­ming a place of exer­cise”. For two days of the trade fair, a programme of lectures and work­shops will take place – led by the BSFH, the trade journal “Play­ground & Land­scape” and Koeln­messe.

In colla­bo­ra­tion, FSB and STADTund­RAUM will also present work­shops, congress topics, the renowned Planner Forum, and an attrac­tive special event focused on current issues such as mobi­lity, urban plan­ning and deve­lo­p­ment, the deve­lo­p­ment of urban neigh­bour­hoods, multi­ge­ne­ra­tional commu­ni­ties, acces­si­bi­lity and areas for exer­cise and recrea­tion. Further­more, on 7 November 2019 the BDLA Day NRW, orga­nised by the North Rhine-West­falia section of the Fede­ra­tion of German Land­scape Archi­tects (BDLA), is also being staged again this year.

FSB 2019 will once again feature the networ­king area of SPORTNETZWERK.FSB, an initia­tive by Koeln­messe and the online cost calcu­lator for sports faci­li­ties, Sport­stät­ten­rechner. The networ­king area, which has been desi­gned as an indoor arena, is where industry decision makers will be able to meet repre­sen­ta­tives from sports clubs, asso­cia­tions and fede­ra­tions, sports centre opera­tors, specia­list plan­ners and the mana­gers of muni­cipal sports depart­ments.

In light of the considerable numbers of exhi­bi­tors in the arti­fi­cial turf segment parti­ci­pa­ting in the event, FSB is intro­du­cing the RECYCLING Forum for the first time. High­lighting the issue of sustaina­bi­lity, it will focus on the life-cycle perspec­tive of arti­fi­cial surfaces as part of a special event, a forum and an action area.

Get active

Visi­tors who want to get active during their time at the trade fair will not be short of oppor­tu­ni­ties at FSB. The event’s Action Area is sure to impress once again with a range of attrac­tive high­lights – like the FIBA Basket­ball Court in Hall 9, the Ice Rink also in Hall 9, the FSB stadium and stands in Hall 10.2, the themed area “Recy­cling Arti­fi­cial Turf” on the Trade Fair Boule­vard adja­cent to Hall 10.2, as well as the acti­vity area on the Boule­vard with inno­va­tions and awards rela­ting to all of the themes of FSB and aqua­nale.   


Two trade fairs, one congress


5.11. — 8.11.2019



5.11. — 8.11.2019



5.11. — 8.11.2019


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At “More Sports. More Archi­tec­ture.” you will find func­tional, spec­ta­cular and simply beau­tiful buil­dings and faci­li­ties for sports and leisure.
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