Jaworznickie Planty

Looking at the sky

Jaworznickie Planty in Jaworzno

RS+ Robert Skitek


The project included desig­ning a water play­ground with public gree­ne­ries land at the former coal mine terrains of Jawrzno, a city in the south of Poland with almost 100,000 inha­bi­tants.


The design by RS + Robert Skitek sets up a group of rounded plazas merging with gree­nery and connected with streams flowing down to the central part.

Water and lights

The water play­ground is situated in the focal point, surrended by green hills. It is recessed regard to the sorroun­ding alleys level.

In the evening, the play­ground, like the entire complex, is illu­mi­nated. This consider­ably increases the number of visi­tors and makes Jaworz­ni­ckie Planty a meeting place for ever­yone who likes to be outside in summer.


For the children, who play here or mostly rather romp, this results in a protected area, which is shielded from the other areas of the park and hardly percep­tible for passing walkers.


Play­ground is a entwined with shallow stream, acting as foot­bath pool. Floors pattern refers to spril­ling water and makes a back­ground for colorful water toys.

Technology and toilets

A tech­nical buil­ding with toilets is hidden inside one of the green hills along­side the main alley. Of course, this also is a bles­sing in the vici­nity of child­ren’s play­grounds.

Recreational areas

Around the water play­ground there are benches and seats for parents. That helps them taking care for their playing children. Unusual shapes of curved benches create a green and quiet places, perfect for a resting, meeting with friends and looking at the sky laying on the hanging nets.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved and project data


RS+ Robert Skitek
Nałkow­skiej 4a/49
43–100 Tychy




City of Jaworzno

Built surface

6.900 m²


Tomasz Zakrzewski


RS+ Robert Skitek


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