Xiamen Footpaths

Go your own way

Xiamen Footpaths



A 20-kilo­metre network of scenic foot­paths and seven spec­ta­cular foot­bridges are set to become the new trade­mark of the city of Xiamen, China. The ambi­tious project, entitled Xiamen Foot­paths, will create outstan­ding expe­ri­ences in the exch­ange between bust­ling urban life and peaceful nature for the pede­strians of Xiamen.

Last year, the city of Xiamen opened the world’s longest bicycle bridge – Xiamen Bicycle Skyway – with the ambi­tion to improve condi­tions for cyclists in the hectic Chinese traffic. Once again, Xiamen has chosen to focus on impro­ving condi­tions for soft road users – this time the pede­strians.


A modern metro­polis, Xiamen has a pulsa­ting city-life and a hectic indus­trial port, while being situated on a moun­tai­nous island with a unique vege­ta­tion supported by a mild climate. The City of Xiamen envi­sioned a large-scale network of foot­paths, elevated foot­paths and foot­bridges that would connect the vibrant city­scape with the scenic natural surroun­dings.

The 20-kilo­metre route creates a new connec­tion between city and nature – a system of elevated foot­paths and foot­bridges that run through the city and across the island as a scenic, recrea­tional artery. It will be a major attrac­tion for the city and possibly become an icon for Xiamen that can attract tourists from all over the world.


When desig­ning the project, DISSING+WEITLING’s chall­enge was to create a coherent yet flexible design language that would be able to adapt to the incre­dibly diffe­rent contexts. Xiamen Foot­paths lead resi­dents and visi­tors through the city and out into nature as a recrea­tional artery among the tree­tops.

Seven unique foot­bridges appear as beacons in the land­scape and create a link between parks, forests and view­points, where the city and land­scape will unfold from a new perspec­tive.

Danish momentum

Winning yet another infra­struc­ture project in Xiamen, Dissing+Weitling conti­nues their momentum in the Chinese city after the opening of Xiamen Bicycle Skyway in 2017. In close coope­ra­tion with local autho­ri­ties, the winning proposal is curr­ently being further deve­loped and adapted to the city’s wishes. The compre­hen­sive project has been named Xiamen Foot­paths, and is expected to be completed already next year.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved


DISSING+WEITLING archi­tec­ture
Artil­le­rivej 86, 3 tv,
2300 Køben­havn S  



DISSING+WEITLING archi­tec­ture

Construction management

XMEDI — Xiamen Muni­cipal
Engi­nee­ring Design Insti­tute





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