Unusual perception

Suprematist Pool in Moscow

Access to the river

The Supre­ma­tist Pool is located in Moscow city center, over the Moskva River and next to Push­kin­skii Bridge and Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure. The project is an addi­tion to the current use of the park, where a recent project renewed its river­side edge, giving it contem­po­rary features. The idea is to allow access to the river and estab­lish a rela­tion to the water compo­nent, encou­ra­ging unex­plored uses on it. The possi­bi­lity of gene­ra­ting a floa­ting pool on the river opens a spatial perspec­tive of the city. An important feature of the project is the compo­si­tion of diffe­rent floa­ting compon­ents, that allow its use in summer, while it can be dissem­bled when the winter comes. It is a tempo­rary floa­ting element.

Pure non-objectivity

The formal compo­si­tion and concept of this project is based on a famous pain­ting by Kazimir Male­vich follo­wing the precepts of Supre­ma­tism and its prin­ci­ples of “pure non-objec­ti­vity”. This pain­ting is used as an aesthetic inspi­ra­tion, due to its geome­tric compo­si­tion that makes it an appro­priated visual object of the Russian culture. Between abstrac­tion and sensi­ti­vity of inha­bited space, provi­ding a socio-spatial character to pure geome­tric patterns. It is the purity of these patterns what define the space connec­tions, rhythms, tensions and uses, avoi­ding the induc­tion on func­tional pre-estab­lished shapes.


Program­ma­ti­cally the project connects the river­bank with its inte­rior, through a wooden deck, allo­wing fluid access to floa­ting plat­forms that contains the pools. These plat­forms are inter­con­nected and displayed accor­ding to the pain­ting. Its struc­tures are built in metal and wood, with glass fiber hulls in the sides joined by a steel struc­ture geometry-stabi­lized from its wide beam. The project allows having inde­pen­dent floa­ting plat­forms to ensemble or dissembling accor­ding to the seasonal needs.

Adding value

Over this deck, spatial comple­men­tary volumes such as showers and chan­ging rooms are placed which corre­spon­ding to the Maleviche’s geome­tric compo­si­tion, re-inter­preted under volu­metric proper­ties. In its urban inser­tion, the floa­ting pavi­lion acts as an exten­sion of the surrounded park, linked to it and adding value of a spatial living struc­ture. As conse­quence, the sense of leisure in the city space is enhanced, exacer­ba­ting spatial inter­pre­ta­tion diffe­rent from the current urban spaces; It offers a unusual percep­tion of the city.

Project data


100 Archi­tects CN — Shanghai


Marcial Jesus, Mada­lena Sales

Aerial view

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100 Archi­tects

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