Floating Oslo

Sørenga Sjøbad

Sørenga pier and Sørenga Sjøbad

The middle part of the Sørenga pier in Oslo has a new park area that extends into a beach: Sørenga Sjøbad. Around the whole pier a new harbour prome­nade culmi­nates and extends into a wooden floa­ting jetty with diving boards, a 50m pool with lanes, and a 200 m² sea water pool. The beach and sea water pool of Sørenga Sjøbad are exposed to the fjord and have a wide view out to the Hove­døya Island and over the city centre, with the new Barcode area and the Oslo Opera house. The new area offers oppor­tu­ni­ties for water related acti­vi­ties in summer and is in use as a recrea­tional centre throug­hout the year. The 50-metre sea pool allows for trai­ning and compe­ti­tions. It includes a diving tower, seating and open-air showers. The floa­ting struc­ture and all elements are covered with a timber decking, a mate­ria­lity that binds the jetty and harbour prome­nade toge­ther.


The idea of a public, floa­ting park was a key part of the master­plan and the design compe­ti­tion for Sørenga Sjøbad, won in 2005 by LPO archi­tects (Oslo) and Archi­tect Kris­tine Jensens Tegne­stue (Aarhus). New housing on the pier requires protec­tion from impacts by an unli­kely, but possible, ship acci­dent. The tech­nical solu­tion was to make the waters shal­lower nearer to the pier, which allowed for the new beach. The concept for the park is to sepa­rate the land side from a floa­ting struc­ture, in such a way that the water becomes the most active part of the park. The wooden surface of the jetty is a large open space, with a rough and robust expres­sion, and is intended to reflect elements from former harbour struc­tures.

One size fits all

The new recrea­tional areas at Sørenga Sjøbad are intended both for the new inha­bi­tants on the pier as well as for the city as a whole. The beach and sea water pool of Sørenga Sjøbad has become a very popular new recrea­tional desti­na­tion in a part of Oslo that is under major trans­for­ma­tion, and for an inner city that has lacked physical contact with the sea.


The jetty is a wood-covered concrete struc­ture, measu­ring 190 meters long by 28 meters wide. It weighs 4,650 tons and is comprises about 3,700 m². Inside the concrete there are 5,800 m³ water resistant poly­sty­rene. The park and prome­nade are of Sørenga pier and Sørenga Sjøbad univer­sally desi­gned with respect to mate­ria­lity, tran­si­tions gradient of ramps and orien­ta­tion options. All the wood-covered areas are in Kebony, a Norwe­gian-deve­loped tech­no­logy. Kebony is envi­ron­men­tally friendly, patented process, which enhances the proper­ties of sustainable soft­wood with a bio-based liquid. The process perma­nently modi­fies the wood cell walls giving Kebony premium hard­wood charac­te­ristics and a rich brown color. Over time, the surface fades, but keeps its tech­nical proper­ties.

Project data


LPO arki­tekter

Rosen­borg­gata 19C

NO — 0356 Oslo


Archi­tect Kris­tine Jensens Tegne­stue 

Dr.Ing. A. Aas-Jacobsen (Struc­tural engi­nee­ring)

Norcon­sult AS (Land­scape archi­tect)



Bjør­vika Infra­struktur AS




Sørenga Sjøbad

0194 Søreng­kaia

NO — Oslo

Aerial view

Thank you, Google!



Foto MK AS

Sorenga Utvi­k­ling AS




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