Turbine or propeller

Samara Stadium


The Samara Stadium, which was desi­gned for the 2018 World Cup, lies at the nort­hern edge of the Russian metro­polis. The circular stadium, with seating for 45,000 spec­ta­tors, is surrounded by a park land­scape with a circular layout inter­sected by radial foot­paths.

The design is based on a large-scale sphe­rical calotte shape, which was favored by the Russian project part­ners. The idea was to create a refe­rence to Samara’s avia­tion and mecha­nical engi­nee­ring indus­tries, making the buil­ding appear like a large turbine or propeller. gmp desi­gned the arran­ge­ment of the func­tional areas of the stadium and the geometry of the grand­stand bowl in accordance with the para­me­ters given.


In addi­tion, nume­rous studies were under­taken on the roof cons­truc­tion in order to resolve the cons­truc­tion-related and geome­tric conflict between the roof calotte and the geometry of the grand­stands. Both were deve­loped as inde­pen­dent struc­tural systems, faci­li­ta­ting modular prefa­bri­ca­tion and an inde­pen­dent cons­truc­tion process.

The proposed cons­truc­tion of the stadium roof consists of radi­ally arranged canti­lever bearers lined with a perfo­rated, trans­pa­rent outer skin. Trans­lu­cent membranes cover the areas between these bearers. By alter­na­ting trans­pa­rent and opaque areas, the spec­ta­tors in the grand­stands are provided with a view like that through a slowly rota­ting propeller; further­more, during the hours of dark­ness the light coming from the venue can be seen from afar, radia­ting out into the city.

Based on the blue­print of the original design that had been produced by gmp by 2014, the Russian project part­ners imple­mented a stadium that deviates signi­fi­cantly from the original design in terms of size, cons­truc­tion, and spatial effect.

City and legacy

Samara is located on the bank of the Volga River, one of largest rivers in the world and the longest river in Europe. It is a major economic, indus­trial, cultural and scien­tific center. Throug­hout the 20th century, Samara’s history was closely intert­wined with space, as it became the very place where launch vehicles were desi­gned and manu­fac­tured. Another point of pride for Samara resi­dents in the fact that their city boasts the largest square in Europe, Kuybysheva Square, which will host the FIFA Fan Fest™. Samara also has the highest railway station buil­ding in Europe (101 m) with an obser­va­tion deck, and the longest embank­ment in Russia (5 km).

After Russia 2018, the stadium will be home to Krylya Sovetov, a club that has made a number of appearances in Europe’s club compe­ti­tions.


von Gerkan, Marg und Partner GbR Elbchaussee 139 D — 22763 Hamburg

Trag­werk: schlaich berger­mann partner sbp gmbh

Adap­tion: ARENA Project Insti­tute, Moskau


FC Krylya Sovetov




© Host city Samara


Ulitsa Dal’nyaya
Samara Samars­kaya oblast’
Russia, 443072

Aerial view

Thank you, Google!


New cons­truc­tion



Spectator seats



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