Rheinblick 741 in Düsseldorf

Nomen est Omen

A pioneering swimming venue and meeting place for leisure, sports and politics on the banks of the Rhine.

The barrier-free building also plays host to a district administration office, including rooms for meetings and conferences for district representatives.

In coope­ra­tion with the Bäder­ge­sell­schaft Düssel­dorf mbH, the North Rhine-West­pha­lian state capital of Düssel­dorf has realized a pionee­ring swim­ming venue and meeting place for leisure, sports and poli­tics on the banks of the Rhine.

With its shape and silver-grey facade, the organic buil­ding complex is remi­nis­cent of a pebble lying next to the Rhine. It houses an indoor pool, a physio­the­rapy prac­tice, a fitness room for use by clubs and for physio­the­rapy as well as an event room for up to 200 people.

The new multi­func­tional and comple­tely barrier-free buil­ding also plays host to a district admi­nis­tra­tion office, inclu­ding rooms for meetings and confe­rences for district repre­sen­ta­tives. Next to the complex there is a large area with 131 parking spaces as well as bicycle parking spaces. And right across from that there is a 50 by 70 metre foot­ball trai­ning pitch.

The swimming area includes a 25‑m pool with diving towers, a separate 15 × 8 metre teaching and lesson pool with an adjustable floor and a playfully designed children’s splash area.

“Rhein­blick 741 – Begeg­nung am Wasser” is the only indoor pool in Düssel­dorf that offers swim­mers a view of the Rhine.

Thanks to the large windows, the inte­rior is flooded with daylight.

The swim­ming area includes a 25-metre pool with diving towers, a sepa­rate 15 × 8 metre teaching and lesson pool with an adjus­table floor, a warm water pool and a playfully desi­gned children’s splash area with many colourful water toys. One high­light here is the “Minia­ture Rhine”, which flows through the area and can be dammed up.


Around the lesson pool, there is a long stone bench from which all areas are visible.

Particularly eye-catching are the triangular Troldtekt ceiling panels seemingly reflecting the surface of the water.

In the children’s area, turquoise mosaic tiles combined with brown floor tiles and brightly coloured walls create a friendly atmo­sphere. In the swim­ming area, large brown floor tiles are paired with brown mosaic tiles, crea­ting a warm contrast to the bright walls.

Parti­cu­larly eye-catching and an important design element are the trian­gular Trold­tekt ceiling panels that have been installed, seemingly reflec­ting the surface of the water.

Trold­tekt is cement-bonded wood wool panels that ensure good acou­stics in any room. The acou­stic panels are manu­fac­tured using certi­fied wood, which is a 100 per cent natural mate­rial, and cement, which is extra­cted from Danish mineral resources.  

This provides a healthy and strong mate­rial with unique sound absor­bing proper­ties.

Project data


Plan­team Ruhr
Sport und Bäderbau
Rhein­el­be­straße 51
D — 45886 Gelsen­kir­chen


Bäder­ge­sell­schaft Düssel­dorf mbH

Acoustic ceiling

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg


Rhein­blick 741
Pariser Str. 41
D — 40549 Düssel­dorf




Olaf Wiechers


Dipl.-Ing. Archi­tekt Olaf Wiechers
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf




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