

Loop of Wisdom

Loop of Wisdom

Actually a usable roof space, but in reality an exuberant land­mark of a new district of Chengdu.



History and health in motion: the fitness course in the Sali­nen­park in Bad Rappenau with playfit equip­ment.

Canoeing centre Tychy

Canoeing centre Tychy

New cons­truc­tion or has it been here forever? When a func­tional buil­ding becomes part of the land­scape.

Majara Residence

Majara Residence

The second part of “Presence in Hormuz”. So simple, so beau­tiful.

Augmented Grounds

Augmented Grounds

A successful colla­bo­ra­tion between humans, compu­ters and nature. Sounds funny, but this is how it is.



Water land­scapes always bear the danger of slip­ping. Here is how to solve this problem.

Ötzi Peak

Ötzi Peak

Creates a sensual expe­ri­ence in which time stands still.

Azatlyk Square

Azatlyk Square

DROM brings new life to the city: Revi­ta­liza­tion of urban heri­tage from the Soviet Union.

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