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Cano­eing centre Tychy




RS+ Robert Skitek


The Papro­cany lake is very important place for inha­bi­tants, mainly for recrea­tional reasons. The wharf which was put into use a few years ago, connects rest center with a part used by many sailing clubs and canoe section MOSM (Muni­cipal Youth Sports Center).

Due to bad condi­tion of these buil­ding, the city decided to build new sailing marina and object for MOSM: Cano­eing centre Tychy.


The first part of Cano­eing centre Tychy which was realized is buil­ding for canoes. Canoe section has achieved great successes. Karo­lina Naja, who is double olympic meda­list, was member of this section.

As the authors of proma­nade, we cared about to extend a wharf to planned sailing marina. In conse­quence od this assump­tion, new cano­eing trai­ning center became part of it.


The main path of the prome­nade is located right next to the water and the walls of object have been with­drawn and hidden behind raised wooden seats, which are used as tribune during cano­eing compe­ti­tions.

The back wall obtained a diffe­rent shape: due to fire requi­re­ments, is covered with grey fiber-cement boards.


The Cano­eing centre Tychy is divided into two func­tional parts — trai­ning and storage. They were sepa­rated and covered with a common roof covered by plants. On the other sides buil­ding was surrounded by green slopes. There is a great view of the lake from the roof, so we decided to take an addi­tional path there.

The Cano­eing centre Tychy is divided into two func­tional parts — trai­ning and storage. They were sepa­rated and covered with a common roof covered by plants. On the other sides buil­ding was surrounded by green slopes. There is a great view of the lake from the roof, so we decided to take an addi­tional path there.


These solu­tions caused a space in front of buil­ding with tribune, covered part and whole roof  became attrac­tive public space and next part of wharf important to people.

Thanks to Cano­eing centre Tychy, Canoe section gained new audi­ence, fans and poten­tial pupils and its work is beca­ming visible and trans­pa­rent.

We did this.

Project data


RS+ Robert Skitek
Nałkow­skiej 4A, lok. 49
PL — Tychy


Aleja Niepod­le­głości 49
PL — 43–100 Tychy

Project team

Robert Skitek, Jakub Zygmunt, Jarosław Ziel­iński, Martyna Lenart-Zygmunt, Wojciech Zientek,
Lech­pro­jektt: Marta Weszke, Leszek Weszke, Piotr Weszke
Projekt PL: Łukasz Plaza
ELPRO: Marcin Mikoła­jczyk
Ekosystem — Pracownia Archi­tek­tury Krajobrazu: Łukasz Bielawski

Physical address

Papro­cany lake
Jezioro Papro­cańskie
PL — Tychy




Tomasz Zakrzewski


RS+ Robert Skitek






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