
Nizhny Novgorod Stadium


The Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, desi­gned for the 2018 World Cup, lies at the confluence of the Oka and Volga rivers. Located within view of the city center of the Russian metro­polis, the circular stadium with seating for 45,000 spec­ta­tors is embedded in a park land­scape that opens out to the bank of the River Volga.

The stadium has been desi­gned in accordance with the condi­tions appli­cable to World Cup venues in Russia, which stipu­late a capa­city of 45,000 spec­ta­tors and a circular basic shape. On this basis, gmp deve­loped the geometry of the grand­stand bowl with rows of seating arranged in parallel to the edge of the pitch, thereby provi­ding all spec­ta­tors with favorable viewing condi­tions. In addi­tion, the straight­for­ward geometry lends itself to the use of prefa­bri­cated concrete elements in cons­truc­tion and to the effi­cient orga­niza­tion of the func­tional areas.


Similar to the design for Volgo­grad, the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium features a concen­tric sequence consis­ting of the rectan­gular pitch, the oval grand­stand bowl, and the circular overall shape of the

struc­ture. The facade, roof, and bowl have been desi­gned as three inde­pen­dent struc­tural systems. The grand­stand areas are roofed over with a light­weight tensile struc­ture with a ring cable.

In its original design version, the facade creates analo­gies with the theme of water that is such a domi­nant feature of the city and the stadium in its promi­nent posi­tion; behind the colon­nade that surrounds the buil­ding, a tensile cable struc­ture forms a rota­tional para­bo­loid that is clad with trans­lu­cent poly­car­bo­nate panels, causing it to radiate as a shiny, blueish pixel image.

City and legacy

Nizhny Novgorod has played an important role in Russia’s history. It was here that Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky gathered a volun­teer army in the 17th century to libe­rate Moscow from foreign inva­ders. The Nizhny Novgorod Fair, which opened in the 19th century, was a major site for dome­stic and inter­na­tional trade, winning the city the nick­name “Nati­on’s purse”. In the 20th century, the city deve­loped as a large indus­trial center with major machine bulding plants, inclu­ding the GAZ auto­mo­bile plant, which is known around the world. Nizhny Novgorod has the fifth largest popu­la­tion in Russia.

The design deve­loped by gmp in 2014 was used by the Russian part­ners as a blue­print for the detailed design and inde­pen­dent imple­men­ta­tion.

The stadium will be home to local club Olym­piets Nizhny Novgorod.


von Gerkan, Marg und Partner GbR
Elbchaussee 139
D — 22763 Hamburg

Trag­werk: schlaich berger­mann partner sbp gmbh

Adap­tion: ARENA Project Insti­tute, Moskau


FC Olym­piec




© Host city Nizhny Novgorod


Ulitsa Dolz­hans­kaya, 2А, к.1 Nizhnij Novgorod Nizhe­go­rod­skaya oblast’ Russlia 603159

Aerial view

Thank you, Google!


New cons­truc­tion



Spectator seats



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