Walking on sunshine

Mordovia Arena in Saransk


Work on Mordovia Arena began in 2010, the 1000th anni­ver­sary of the unifi­ca­tion of the Mordo­vian people with Russia’s other ethnic groups. The arena is located in the centre of the city, on the bank of the Insar river.


Mordovia Arena is located in the city centre and is within walking distance of the main faci­li­ties of the city infra­struc­ture. The inspi­ra­tion for the stadi­um’s appearance was the sun — the most important symbol of the ancient myths and legends of the Mord­vi­nese people. The stadium has been desi­gned in the shape of an oval. Its bright range of colours, combi­ning orange, red and white, honours the distinc­tive colour palette of Mordo­via’s arts and crafts.

City and legacy

Saransk is the most compact host city of the 2018 FIFA World Cup™ lying along the Insar River. It was founded as an outpost on the south-eastern border of the Russian state. Its indi­ge­nous ethnic groups are part of the Finno-Ugric nations that include, among others, Hunga­rians, Finns and Esto­nians. Unique cultural iden­ti­ties of the Moksha and Erzi people have been well-preserved in Mordovia.


After Russia 2018, some of the stadi­um’s tempo­rary struc­tures will be demo­lished, brin­ging the capa­city down to 25,000. This will make Mordovia Arena more effec­tive in the future, with the space vacated being used for indoor volley­ball, basket­ball and tennis courts, as well as fitness centres. The stadium will be home to FC Mordovia.


FC Mordovia



© Host city Saransk


New construction


Volgogradskaya Ulitsa, 1
Respublika Mordoviya
Russia, 430009

Aerial view

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Spectator seats



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