
Time for a change

Sand courts need to be maintained and irrigated in summer, and in winter they cannot be used at all. Laykold is a worthwhile alternative.

Sand pitches need to be maintained and irrigated in summer, and in winter they cannot be used at all. The alternative is called Laykold (by Melos).

Whether it’s court clea­ring or the removal of moss — sand courts are beau­tiful and certainly offer some advan­tages, but in any case they are a lot of work. Not to mention the water sprink­ling in the summer, which is not very resource-effi­cient and thus not very envi­ron­men­tally friendly.

In response to this, Melos GmbH supplies the acrylic-based “Laykold” hard court coating systems, as parti­cu­larly durable and low-main­ten­ance floo­ring systems. Laykold systems are suitable for tennis courts but also for multi­func­tional courts on which volley­ball, basket­ball or foot­ball can be played.

The courts with Laykold coating systems can be played on all year round in outdoor area – an important topic for clubs, espe­ci­ally if no indoor tennis court is available for the winter season.

In contrast to clay courts, they do not have to be made winter­proof.

The Laykold acrylic system is an all-weather hard court coating that is both hard-wearing and durable. It can be easily adapted to meet individual desires.

Laykold systems have a multi-layer struc­ture: the base, consis­ting of water-imper­meable concrete or asphalt*, an elastic layer (Masters 5, Masters 8 and Masters Gel), a level­ling layer, a textured top layer and a sealing layer (optional).

The textured surface layer is available in 17 UV-resistant colours and can thus be opti­mally adapted to indi­vi­dual circum­s­tances, e.g. club colours.

This struc­ture offers several advan­tages: For one thing, the mate­rials provide a force reduc­tion of up to 23 percent, which is a big plus for the joints in parti­cular. In addi­tion, the ball boun­cing beha­viour remains constant, as the even surface of the top layer ensures that balls can no longer misfire. The seam­less and joint­less instal­la­tion of the system supports this advan­tage.

A speci­ally made rubber cushion can be inte­grated into the system to improve the cushio­ning effect and, in turn, the comfort of play.

Laykold looks back on a long tradition: since the 1920s, this surface has been installed at more than 100,000 sports facilities throughout the world.

The wide choice of colours allows you to add a crea­tive splash to your asphalt or concrete surfaces whether old or new.

Thanks to the minimal main­ten­ance requi­re­ments and low instal­la­tion costs, you can reinvi­go­rate exis­ting concrete and asphalt surfaces, and extend the life of exis­ting courts. The main appli­ca­tion areas are tennis courts and multi-sports surfaces (for basket­ball, volley­ball, foot­ball). Laykold is also a popular solu­tion for roller sports or schools.

Laykold looks back on a long tradi­tion: since the 1920s, this surface has been installed at more than 100,000 sports faci­li­ties throug­hout the world.

During the tennis boom of the 1960s and 70s, Laykold became estab­lished as one of the few mate­rials suitable for hard court surfaces.

Thanks to the versa­ti­lity that it offers today, Laykold has become the global market leader for outdoor tennis courts.

Laykold supplies, among others, the surface for the US Open in New York’s Madison Square Garden.

Project data


Laykold by Melos
Melos GmbH
Bismarck­strasse 4–10
D‑49324 Melle


Melos GmbH


Melos GmbH


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