Lalandia Søndervig

Swim & sleep

Water, play and well-being

The combination of water ark and holiday resort has proved to be extremely successful.

In June 2022, the third Lalandia holiday resort opened – Lalandia in Søndervig on the west coast of Jutland. The catchy name ‘Lalandia’ is Latin for Lolland, the island in southern Denmark where the first Lalandia opened in 1988.

The concept has proved to be extre­mely successful, with visitor numbers approa­ching 1.5 million guests a year for the three resorts. Most of the guests come from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

Lalandia has a climate-friendly energy supply with solar cells on the roof and power supplied from Danish wind turbines.

In addition to being a fabulous water park, Lalandia is also a recreational centre.

In the tropical water park – the Aqua­dome – the water is always 28°C and the air is 30°C. The gigantic hall contains an impres­sive 14 slides and a wave pool for surfers. You can always get tips and advice from surf instruc­tors and help with getting the rubber raft to hurtle down the large Tornado tube slide, which like some of the other slides also weaves its way outside the actual buil­ding.

Several smaller pools and acti­vi­ties are desi­gned for the youn­gest children, who can run around in a safe envi­ron­ment where trained life­guards keep a close eye on ever­yone.

In addi­tion to being a fabu­lous water park, Lalandia is also a recrea­tional centre, with an amuse­ment arcade, padel courts, shop­ping, an outdoor pool area and, not least, several diffe­rent eateries. A lot of thought has gone into crea­ting a relaxed and informal atmo­sphere.
In a way, Lalandia is like an indoor festival site with stalls and acti­vi­ties connected by winding paths.

1,600 guests at the same time require high capacity and superior acoustics

The resort can accom­mo­date up to 1,600 guests at the same time, which requires high capa­city and supe­rior acou­stics. The acti­vi­ties in the Aqua­dome are parti­cu­larly deman­ding sound­wise, because water splas­hing against tiles and waves always gene­rate a lot of noise.

To solve the problem, sections of Trold­tekt acou­stic panels have been installed on the large walls, and also on the ceiling above the children’s pool.

In the restau­rants, the acou­stics are effec­tively dampened with Trold­tekt acou­stic panels, which are also used in many of the secon­dary areas, such as in the chan­ging rooms etc.

In addition to the centre itself, Lalandia also rents out 464 holiday homes, all equipped with Troldtekt ceilings.

In addi­tion to the centre itself, Lalandia also rents out 464 holiday homes, which have been built adja­cent to the large hall. They are located in a flat terrain just north of the acti­vi­ties, so holiday guests only have a short distance to walk to the attrac­tions, the town of Søndervig and the North Sea, which lies only 500 metres away.
The houses vary in terms of both their size and shape, but Trold­tekt acou­stic panels have been installed on all the ceilings. In total, approx. 24,000 square metres of Trold­tekt have been supplied, either as roof cassettes or panels for instal­la­tion with screws.

Project data


Bay Arch


Lalandia A/S

Acoustic panels

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 20, 3. OG
D — 22763 Hamburg

Physical address

Lalandia i Søndervig
Vest­kystvej 2
DK — 6950 Ring­kø­bing




Thomas Mølvig


Thomas Mølvig


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