Old pool, new colours

Gensingen indoor swim­ming pool




BZM Archi­tekten & Trold­tekt Acou­stic Panels


Around 30,000 visi­tors come to the Gensingen indoor swim­ming pool every year to swim laps, learn to swim or relax in the sauna.

In order for it to stay that way in the future, the small commu­nity between Mainz and Bad Kreuz­nach in Rhine­land-Pala­ti­nate has now invested almost three million euros in the exten­sive moder­ni­sa­tion and refur­bish­ment of its ageing swim­ming pool.


The Gensingen indoor swim­ming pool, opened in 1972/1974, was built as a concrete struc­ture. In the 1990s, the exposed aggre­gate concrete facades were provided with addi­tional thermal insu­la­tion and trape­zo­idal sheets.

In addi­tion to rene­wing windows and doors, the elec­trical systems and the water supply, the sani­tary faci­li­ties have now also been adapted to current tech­nical and hygienic stan­dards.


New parti­tio­ning now allows bathers to enjoy more privacy. A sepa­rate chan­ging area for people with disa­bi­li­ties inclu­ding a stair­lift in the swim­ming pool has also been accom­plished.

The grea­test chall­enge was to renew the outdated venti­la­tion system, which was replaced by a space-opti­mised, elevated tech­nical centre.


After being comple­tely reno­vated, the Gensingen indoor swim­ming pool is now not only opera­tively connected, but also bril­li­antly desi­gned. For the tile and ceiling design, the plan­ners at BZM Archi­tekten from Wies­baden have deve­loped a new colour concept that extends from the chan­ging rooms to the sani­tary area to the swim­ming pool.

The coloured acou­stic Trold­tekt panels on the suspended ceiling, made from the sustainable buil­ding mate­rials wood and cement, fit perfectly into the overall concept. Warm colours in yellow, red and brown, some of which are also arranged in waves on the walls, contri­bute to the plea­sant atmo­sphere.

We did this.

Project data


Matthias Marhöfer
Sommer­straße 3
D — 65197 Wies­baden


Trold­tekt A/S
Sletvej 2A
DK — 8310 Tranbjerg J


VG Sprend­lingen-Gensingen
Elisa­be­then­straße 1
D — 55576 Sprend­lingen

Physical address

Hallenbad Gensingen
Am Hallenbad
D — 55457 Gensingen




Olaf Wiechers, Archi­tekt
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf


Olaf Wiechers, Archi­tekt
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf

© Olaf Wiechers, Archi­tekt



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