Außenmühle sports ground in Hamburg

With its fingers on the pulse

School sports, popular sports, individual offers – and all this in a harmonious atmosphere and a safe environment? That can work…

The Außenmühle sports ground will not only be available to the surrounding schools and for recreational sports, but will also take today’s changed sporting behaviour into account.


Kilian + co. land­scape archi­tects were commis­sioned by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to plan and imple­ment the reno­va­tion and recon­s­truc­tion of the Außen­mühle sports field in the Hamburg-Harburg district. The aim of the project is to offer the surroun­ding schools a better oppor­tu­nity to prac­tice physical educa­tion, and, at the same time, to open up the faci­lity for recrea­tional and popular sports. The use of the sports faci­lity by clubs should also continue to take place.

Another essen­tial design goal is the provi­sion of sports and other offers which take the changed sporting beha­viour of the target groups into account.


Previously, all there was on the Außen­mühle sports field was a large playing field and an oval-shaped track with a tennis surface . Due to the state of disre­pair of the drai­nage, the ground was constantly under water and was not playable. So the city of Hamburg decided to provide the large playing field with new drai­nage and to convert it into an arti­fi­cial grass pitch.

At the same time, the oval track, whose design is also outdated, will be replaced by a stan­dards-compliant 400-metre circular track. Both these and the segments are made from plastic.


In addi­tion, the range of athle­tics sports offers is being expanded. But above all, addi­tional exer­cise oppor­tu­ni­ties are being created for all gene­ra­tions.

Another plan­ning goal is to improve the access situa­tion: new entrances are being created and the exis­ting ones are being upgraded.


Kilian + Kollegen Land­schafts­ar­chi­tekten
Büro für Frei­raum- und Sport­stät­ten­pla­nung
Thea­ter­wall 24
D — 26122 Olden­burg


Freie und Hanse­stadt Hamburg

The new Außenmühle sports ground takes our changed sporting behaviour into account. This is most evident in the curve segments.

The new Außen­mühle sports ground takes very conscious account of our changed sporting beha­viour and of the chan­ging demands on today’s sports grounds. This is most evident in the two curve segments, because here athle­tics instal­la­tions using the tradi­tional cons­truc­tion method are being deli­bera­tely left out.

Instead, a small playing field measu­ring 22m x 44m, which can be used for basket­ball, hand­ball and foot­ball, will be created in the nort­hern plastic segment. The small playing field is high­lighted by a light blue shade. Addi­tional white lines and two floor markings in the edge area allow for a crea­tive and varied game.

Addi­tional exer­cise faci­li­ties are planned in the southern segment, inclu­ding a calis­the­nics system and parkour. The calis­the­nics system consists of diffe­rent bars in diffe­rent heights and posi­tions, which can be used for func­tional trai­ning with one’s own body weight.

The parkour faci­lity has various concrete elements for runs and trai­ning sessions. Both faci­li­ties are desi­gned so that they can be combined. In addi­tion, there are four tram­po­lines lined up for diffe­rent jumps.

The segment is covered with a bulk-coated plastic surface and visually divided by two diffe­rent shades of blue. The red sprint track stands out. In areas where fall protec­tion is required, the subs­truc­ture is desi­gned accor­dingly.

In order to ensure parallel use, ball catch fences with a height of 4m are installed between the segments and the playing field.


Außen­mühle sports ground
Vinzen­zweg 20
D — 21077 Hamburg



The large playing field will be converted into an artificial grass pitch.

Arti­fi­cial grass pitch

The large playing field will be converted into an arti­fi­cial grass pitch.

The cons­truc­tion of the arti­fi­cial grass pitch is based on the requi­re­ments of the rele­vant DIN stan­dards and on the current buil­ding foun­da­tion report. Follo­wing the prin­ci­ples of sustaina­bi­lity, the exis­ting buil­ding mate­rials of the old base layers are being preserved and supple­mented. 


This is followed by the produc­tion of the tarpaulin, the crea­tion of a new drai­nage system and the instal­la­tion of a sand-filled arti­fi­cial turf cove­ring on an elastic base layer.

A sand-filled plastic lawn is chosen as the playing field cove­ring, which is circum­fe­ren­ti­ally bordered with a mould groove on the longi­tu­dinal sides and edging panels on the end sides.


The marking of the foot­ball field is done with 12 cm-wide white lines. Two playing fields are marked for youth foot­ball. The lines are incor­po­rated into the arti­fi­cial grass to create a lasting sports faci­lity.

Two stan­dard foot­ball goals and four youth goals are planned for the foot­ball field.

Athle­tics faci­li­ties

The exis­ting oval-shaped tennis track will be converted into a plastic arena based on Type C, with two circular tracks and four 100 m sprint tracks. The markings of the faci­lity comply with inter­na­tional stan­dards.

The long-jump pit is located in the exten­sion of the sprint tracks. The race­ways are alter­na­tely coloured in two diffe­rent shades of blue.

The Außenmühle sports ground will be opened in late summer 2023. We’re looking forward to it!


To improve access to the sports faci­lity, the exis­ting entrance will be upgraded and two new entrances will be desi­gned on the Außen­müh­len­damm. Access will be via a stair­case or barrier-free via the running track running diago­nally along the embank­ment.

In order to secure the paths within the sports faci­lity, the areas around the running track will be paved.

Beach area

The large sandy area north of the sprint tracks towards the north acts not only as a long jump pit, but also for beach sports. Seating faci­li­ties are being created on the adja­cent lawns.

Children’s games

Oppo­site the beach area, another sandy area is created with low playing elements such as wooden bollards and balan­cing beams. A clim­bing and balan­cing course inte­grates the exis­ting embank­ment and offers an exci­ting playing expe­ri­ence.


To protect the faci­lity from vanda­lism, it remains comple­tely fenced. The entrances are secured by gates of various widths.

The costs for the reno­va­tion and conver­sion of the Außen­mühle sports ground amount to a good three million euros.

The faci­lity will be opened in the summer of 2023. We’re looking forward to it!


Kilian + Kollegen Land­schafts­ar­chi­tekten Oliver Berkhausen


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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