The Grugapark health trail in Essen

Getting fit is just a bonus

A course for everyone in a park for everyone.

The city of Essen has succeeded in creating contemporary exercise opportunities for the young and the old — and all in the fresh air.

The Grug­a­park Essen was created to mark the first Great Ruhr Horti­cul­tural Exhi­bi­tion (Gruga) in 1929. After destruc­tion during the war, recon­s­truc­tion and expan­sion, the Federal Garden Show 1965 was held here, among other events.

In 2012, the City of Essen deve­loped the “Grug­a­park 2020 Park Deve­lo­p­ment Concept” to offer contem­po­rary exer­cise oppor­tu­ni­ties for young and old — all in the fresh air and in a protected space

The centre­piece of this project is the “health trail”, featuring twelve diffe­rent stations. The exer­cise course, the largest of its kind, is from playfit.

On the “health trail”, interested people of all ages can enhance their vitality and motor skills with a high fun factor.

The goal of the Park Deve­lo­p­ment Concept is “more move­ment for young and old”. To this end, a very impres­sive circular path has been created in the Grug­a­park, linking twelve stations. People of all ages can now test and boost their vita­lity and motor skills along this “health trail” in a playful and fun way.

In addi­tion to seven stations with a variety of diffe­rent chal­lenges, the Grug­a­park now also features five equip­ment courses. The playfit® trai­ning course consists of 17 pieces of equip­ment. This makes it the largest and most diverse loca­tion within the park.   

Promoting health ” quite incidentally” is the basic idea behind the offers in the Grugapark. This works very well.

The Grug­a­park is located close to the city centre, right next to Messe Essen (Essen Trade Fair). Cove­ring around 60 hectares, the park is used for local recrea­tion, as a place for play and sport and is also a venue for events. There are also lots of diffe­rent species of animals, and one of the largest sculp­ture exhi­bi­tions in Germany can be found here.

And by the way: Here, you can do a lot of good things for your health. This subtle message is the basic idea behind the new offe­rings: All of them are aimed at all visitor and user groups, such as children, senior citi­zens and people with diffe­rent handi­caps.

The playfit training course is the largest of a total of twelve stations on the health trail.

The playfit trai­ning course is the second of a total of twelve stations on the health trail. Here, all parts of the body can be trained in a targeted or playful way — as balance, strength and endu­rance trai­ning.

The 17 pieces of equip­ment also promote flexi­bi­lity and bounce. Some of them, such as the wheel­chair trainer, the Duplex shoulder trainer or the arm bike, are also desi­gned for use by wheel­chair users, marking an important contri­bu­tion to inclu­sion.

Massage and fascia trai­ning are on offer on several pieces of equip­ment to help visi­tors relax. This is espe­ci­ally popular for a tense back and tired legs.

All the focal points of the health trail are brought together at one place in the playfit training course.

The health trail is divided into diffe­rent themes: “Balan­cing and equi­li­brium”, “Motor skills and coor­di­na­tion”, “Strength trai­ning and muscle buil­ding” and “Endu­rance and circu­la­tion”.

All these focal points are brought toge­ther in one place in the playfit trai­ning course. Several pieces of equip­ment are available for each of the areas. Instruc­tions can be found on the equip­ment as well as on infor­ma­tion signs. A display board featuring safety instruc­tions explains how to use the equip­ment correctly.

After trai­ning, the kiosk right next door offers refresh­ments and ample seating under shady umbrellas. Sani­tary faci­li­ties are also nearby.

The individual stations are easy to find and yet secluded enough to allow for sufficient privacy during training.

The other four equip­ment courses in the Grug­a­park each offer two or three pieces of equip­ment, where the focus can be on balance, coor­di­na­tion, strength or endu­rance.

There is a wide range of acti­vi­ties at the other seven stations: A Kneipp faci­lity, a bare­foot path, a low ropes course, a calis­the­nics faci­lity, a rope rocker, a swivel disc and a gradua­tion house for breathing trai­ning.

The loca­tions of the indi­vi­dual stations have been carefully selected. They are easy to find, and yet secluded enough that there is always enough privacy. This helps push anyone who might normally be a little shy, and means more spon­ta­neous users. In addi­tion, there are joggers, walkers and strol­lers who make full use of the park and the playfit trai­ning course by making them part of their trai­ning programme.

playfit training courses make an important contribution to health promotion and inclusion — also in the Grugapark.

The idea of linking all the new exer­cise oppor­tu­ni­ties via a circular route is logical, and it works. The offe­rings take into account people’s incre­asing need for more health and exer­cise oppor­tu­ni­ties, and are equally appe­aling to all gene­ra­tions of visi­tors.

The health trail in the Grug­a­park, and the playfit trai­ning course in parti­cular, play an important role in promo­ting a healthy life­style and inclu­sion.

The Grug­a­park is visited by almost one million people a year. Since the opening of the first stations along the health trail in 2014, the number of visi­tors has been incre­asing signi­fi­cantly. A job well done!

We did this.

Project Data


playfit GmbH
Brau­er­knecht­graben 53
D — 20459 Hamburg


Stadt Essen


Grug­a­park Essen
Virch­ow­straße 167
D — 45147 Essen




Martin Mich­alak Foto­grafie
Weiden­hagen 33
D — 44869 Bochum


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media

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