Get Fit — reloaded

The Lower Bavaria exer­cise courses





How it all began

How it all began

The Get Fit move­ment of the 1970s can defi­ni­tely be seen as a forerunner of today’s fitness boom and the outdoor exer­cise course. Get fit trails were circular courses three or four kilo­me­tres in length with 15 to 20 exer­cise stations. The aim of the move­ment was not compe­ti­tive sport, but the affluent society plagued by obesity and circu­la­tory dise­ases.

The Lower Bavaria exer­cise courses with playfit equip­ment continue this success story with new concepts, offers and equip­ment.

How it all started all over again

New trend sports emerged in the 1990s. Jogging in parti­cular became a popular sport. The Get Fit move­ment was forgotten, and the get fit trails even more so. Many muni­ci­pa­li­ties simply did not have the money to main­tain them perma­nently.

In 2008, the DOSB and the Müller dairy initiated the revival of the get fit move­ment in Germany with great media coverage and success.

Since then, the instal­la­tion of indi­vi­dual pieces of equip­ment has often been replaced by various types of outdoor exer­cise courses.

Outdoor exercise course

An outdoor exer­cise course is ther­e­fore a leisure acti­vity that further deve­lops elements of the get fit trail and combines them with play­ground elements. Such systems consist of several coor­di­nated instal­la­tions in public spaces. They comple­ment the public leisure offer in parks and green spaces.

They are often speci­ally tail­ored to the needs and acti­vi­ties of older people. Then they are also called senior play­grounds or multi-gene­ra­tion parks.

There are basi­cally three factors that deter­mine the success of such systems.
1. The embed­ding in the envi­ron­ment
 2. The equip­ment with regard to the expected user groups
 3. The quality of the installed equip­ment

Lower Bavaria

In the past few years, no fewer than 13 attrac­tive exer­cise courses have been created in Lower Bavaria, all of which have been equipped by playfit. They are desi­gned very differ­ently because they have been put toge­ther accor­ding to the wishes and needs of users and the envi­ron­ment — for example on play­grounds and sports fields, in parks or on hiking trails.

With more than 1,500 places where outdoor fitness equip­ment has been installed, playfit is one of the market leaders in this area.


The exer­cise course in the muni­ci­pa­lity of Aiter­hofen (3,650 inha­bi­tants) was created as part of the LEADER funding programme “Moving Lower Bavaria”.

The offer is aimed at all age groups, is easy to master and acces­sible to ever­yone. The devices include a duplex shoulder trainer, balance trainer, a massage-stret­ching station, stations for stomach and back, arm pulls and push-ups, as well as leg lifts and a balan­cing stretch.

The total costs of 51,500 euros were largely borne by the Bava­rian State Ministry for Food, Agri­cul­ture and Forests. The own contri­bu­tion for Aiter­hofen was only € 20,600.


The Atting exer­cise course is beau­tifully located on the western outskirts of the muni­ci­pa­lity (1,700 inha­bi­tants), directly on the Kleine Laaber. In addi­tion to the river, the Atting rifle club, the Atting multi-purpose hall and the local sports field are the neigh­bours.

There is a large selec­tion of equip­ment available, also due to the neigh­bour­hood and above all for sporty-oriented users: leg trai­ners, full-body trai­ners, duplex shoulder trai­ners, mobi­lity trai­ners, arm bikes, balance trai­ners, rowing machines, 3‑person hori­zontal bars, a calis­the­nics system, a leg lifter, a balan­cing stretch and a Tram­po­line.


The multi-gene­ra­tion park in Dingol­fing was opened in 2016. It offers a total of 12 playfit devices, which were embedded in the attrac­tive area not far from the Isar. Another high­light is the rena­tured Mühl­bach flowing through the exer­cise park, into which a Kneipp basin has been incor­po­rated.

The park is an ideal place for exer­cise, play and commu­ni­ca­tion. At the same time, it serves as a rest zone, in which flower meadows and tree trunks as seating invite you to linger and relax. It can be reached without barriers and has state-of-the-art sani­tary faci­li­ties.

At the time, more than 1,000 visi­tors came to the opening to try out the equip­ment. At that time, playfit had speci­fi­cally expanded the poten­tial of its equip­ment to appeal to less active users. It paid off.

Eging am See

The faci­lity in Eging am See is located directly in the spa gardens. It offers a wonderful view of the lake, even when doing sports. Due to its loca­tion, the equip­ment is used by hikers and visi­tors to the neigh­bou­ring thermal baths.

The course is one of the oldest playfit faci­li­ties in the region. Full-body trai­ners, back trai­ners, shoulder trai­ners and massage machines for hands, arms and legs have been available here since 2009.


“Fit am Freu­densee” is the title of the East Bavaria tourism asso­cia­tion for the exer­cise course at the Freu­densee leisure area in Hauzen­berg.

The area is constantly being deve­loped, the course was opened in 2020. The park and the faci­lity are used by walkers and joggers. Both use the “outdoor fitness studio” with the seven coor­di­nated pieces of equip­ment balance trainer, arm pull-up trainer, 4‑person hori­zontal bar, balance stretch, abdo­minal / back station, knee flexors and leg lifters.

A swim in the lake is also part of the programme in summer.


The faci­lity is located a little outside the village of Loiching (3,500 inha­bi­tants), between a sports field, the Kron­wieden Kneipp faci­lity and the Isar cycle path.

As in all playfit exer­cise courses, detailed and under­stan­dable boards with exer­cise instruc­tions in various degrees of diffi­culty ensure profes­sional trai­ning for all ages and levels of ability. The eleven pieces of equip­ment offer a varied trai­ning programme, inclu­ding for wheel­chair users.

This successful project from 2017 is an important buil­ding block for the health care of locals and tourists.


Metten is five kilo­me­tres west of Deggen­dorf on the Danube. The special feature of this exer­cise course is that it is embedded in a resi­den­tial area and borders on a walking path.

Here, too, the course equip­ment was geared towards the needs of the expected users. That is why Metten mainly has children’s play equip­ment and fitness faci­li­ties for resi­dents and walkers in the district: leg trai­ners, full-body trai­ners, rowing machines, upper body trai­ners, parallel bars and a calis­the­nics faci­lity.


In Oster­hofen, the exer­cise course was embedded in the city park. The commu­nity and its almost 12,000 inha­bi­tants placed great value on a faci­lity for physical fitness and preven­tive health care.

Since it opened in 2017, the course has been a point of contact for cycling tourism and a popular meeting place. It is located on the upper Herzog­bach, not far from the SpVgg Oster­hofen sports field.


First a Nordic walking tour through the Rottauen, then (or in between) trai­ning on the equip­ment on the exer­cise course. Some­thing like that, the faci­lity, which opened in 2018, is often incor­po­rated into the excur­sion and sports programme of the resi­dents and visi­tors of parish churches. This is also due to its loca­tion in the garden of the Stadt­werke, in the imme­diate vici­nity of the cycle paths on the Rott.

The twelve playfit outdoor fitness machines are leg trai­ners, full body trai­ners, back trai­ners, duplex shoulder trai­ners, back massage machines, arm bikes, rowing machines, upper body trai­ners, abdo­minal / back stations, arm pull-up push-up trai­ners, squats and balan­cing stretch.


The Platt­ling exer­cise course is suitable for all gene­ra­tions. On the dike prome­nade in Mühl­bach­park, three stations with several pieces of equip­ment each are available over a length of 800 metres. They can, at least in part, also be used by people with physical limi­ta­tions.

The dike prome­nade connects two parts of the city and leads to a sporty neigh­bour­hood, which mainly consists of an outdoor swim­ming pool, the stadium, a school and a parking space for mobile homes.

The offer matches the users. All playfit exer­cise courses are based on this. A simple concept that just works.


The special feature of the Reis­bach exer­cise course is its five diffe­rent loca­tions. These are spread over the entire area of the market town and its 7,770 inha­bi­tants, prefer­ably in combi­na­tion with play­grounds, green spaces or other offers for sport and leisure.

The total of 13 pieces of equip­ment on display include a calis­the­nics system, a hori­zontal bar, several bars, a slack­line and an abdo­minal / back station.


The exer­cise course in Salching was also created as a further attrac­tive offer in a sporty envi­ron­ment, namely right next to the faci­lity of the 1946 Salching sports club with foot­ball and tennis courts.

The equip­ment of the faci­lity, which opened in 2017, includes full-body trai­ners, back trai­ners, balance trai­ners, a 4‑person hori­zontal bar, slack­line bollards and a balan­cing stretch.

Vilshofen an der Danube

The exer­cise course in Ginkgo Park (Gingko is a tree species from China) offers cross-gene­ra­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties for exer­cise and encoun­ters, inclu­ding for wheel­chair users. This compre­hen­sive offer makes sense because the course is directly adja­cent to a large children’s play­ground. So, it offers young and old the oppor­tu­nity to train move­ment, coor­di­na­tion and strength in a playful way.

In addi­tion, the faci­lity estab­lished in 2018 offers four diffe­rent pieces of equip­ment for shoulder trai­ning, leg streng­thening, an arm pull and push-up trainer as well as a rowing machine. Thanks to its loca­tion, concep­tion and equip­ment, this playfit exer­cise course is also a very well-func­tio­ning, attrac­tive excur­sion and sports offer for the whole city.

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Exercise Courses

playfit GmbH
Brau­er­knecht­graben 53
D‑20459 Hamburg


Martin Mich­alak


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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