Don’t think, look!

ThePath of Perspectives on the Innsbruck Nordkette



The Path of Perspec­tives or “Perspek­ti­venweg”, desi­gned by Snøhetta for the Nord­ket­ten­bahn cable railway, intro­duces a series of ten archi­tec­tural elements along the panorama trail in the alpine land­scape that high­light the unique features of Innsbruck’s spec­ta­cular Nord­kette moun­tain range.

The Nord­kette is the southern­most moun­tain chain in the Karwendel, the largest moun­tain range of the Nort­hern Lime­s­tone Alps located just north of the Tyro­lean city of Inns­bruck.


The Hunger­burg and Nord­kette funi­cu­lars bring visi­tors directly from the city center to the Seegrube cable car station at 1,905 meters above sea level, where the Path of Perspec­tives unfurls in breath­ta­king alpine surroun­dings. Here, the 2.8‑kilometer mean­de­ring panorama trail and its indi­vi­dual elements entice visi­tors to take a stroll up its 142-meter eleva­tional change.


Along the Path of Perspec­tives, the subtle archi­tec­tural inter­ven­tions blend seam­lessly into this spec­ta­cular land­scape, offe­ring visi­tors an oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence the stag­ge­ring vistas of the alpine land­scape from diffe­rent perspec­tives. Every element, from the benches to the viewing plat­form, marks a unique point along the trail or serves as a meeting point. Using small design gestures, the desi­gners high­light striking elements of the Alpine land­scape, adding to the expe­ri­ence of the dramatic moun­tain scenery rather than crea­ting one eye-catching struc­ture.

Viewing platform

The viewing plat­form, which seems to grow out of the terrain, elegantly projects over the edge of the land­scape and empha­sizes the topo­gra­phical changes. Stan­ding on the plat­form, visi­tors can enjoy unin­ter­rupted views of the Inn Valley below, while the metal grate under­foot gives a sense of floa­ting above the terrain.


At the tran­si­tion from the timber­line to scrub moun­tain pine vege­ta­tion, a stair­case struc­ture marks this natural pheno­menon. A counter allows hikers a chance to lean and admire their first impres­sion of the striking Langer Sattel and Frau Hitt peaks. The wooden plat­forms surroun­ding the gentle eleva­tion of the so-called “Big Stone” on various levels make it a popular resting spot. At a slightly higher eleva­tion, stepped wooden plat­forms form an amphi­theater. 


Each of the ten elements of the Path of Perspec­tives are shaped from Corten steel, a mate­rial choice that was inspired by the context and prior inter­ven­tions. “Perspek­ti­venweg” adapts the exis­ting tech­nical struc­tures of Nordkette’s avalanche barriers, which are made of the same weathered steel. Larch wood, typical for the local forests, forms its seating and recli­ning plat­forms.


Quotes from Austrian philo­so­pher Ludwig Witt­gen­stein are inscribed on the new archi­tec­tural features of Path of Perspec­tives. The words invite visi­tors to take a moment and reflect, both inwardly and out over the land­scape, giving a dual meaning to the path of perspec­tives.

One of them is, “Don’t think, look!”

We did this.

Project data and compa­nies involved


Snohetta Studio Inns­bruck GmbH
Maria There­sien Strasse 57
A‑6020 Inns­bruck




Chris­tian Flat­scher
Pradler Straße Nr. 34
A — 6020 Inns­bruck

Quirin Müller

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