Always the sun

Hotel Castell dels Hams, Mallorca


In 1967, a small hotel called Hotel Castell dels Hams was estab­lished on the island of Mallorca, amid the Medi­ter­ra­nean vege­ta­tion. Over time, and through subtle impro­ve­ments and exten­sions, it has become one of the most distinc­tive hotels on the eastern part of the island. The last of the altera­tions, meant to cele­brate the Medi­ter­ra­nean light and the location’s idyllic bond with nature, turned the hotel into much more than just a holiday desti­na­tion.

What’s new?

The project centred on repla­cing the cove­ring and enclo­sure of the exis­ting heated pool and to create an adja­cent spa to supple­ment it. During deve­lo­p­ment, the project was split into two inde­pen­dent zones, each desi­gned to suit its own specific purpose. The main pool area is adorned with a series of square openings for windows in the roof that allow the light to flood into the area. The spa, intended for skin treat­ments and rela­xa­tion, is located to give the visi­tors the best views of the surroun­ding land­scape and is also filled with light in all rooms where light is needed. The place­ment of the two zones makes them meet at a single point where one faces the other, so that they are inter­linked. This gives access to both through the hotel lobby, which is connected to the main pool area.

Always the sun

The pool was origi­nally connected to what once was considered the back of the hotel, where it was confined to a space that was clearly being wasted. The chall­enge of the project was not only to prevent the new areas from being used as secon­dary features, but to ensure they were used to high­light the hotel’s sunniest facade. Now completed, the roof is dotted with windows. This inter­play of window areas in the roof creates a beau­tiful dance of light reflec­tions inside the buil­ding. In the spa area, the space is sculpted and colourful showers of light flow through the roof windows. This makes the buil­ding itself being a part of the treat­ment by offe­ring the feeling of well-being created by nature.


In 2014, the recrea­tional areas and acti­vi­ties were extended and a further enter­tain­ment for the young guests from the hotel Castell dels Hams was created. The vision of this new focus, a big “smile”, focuses his percep­tion from differ­ents view­points and diffe­rent scales, either at the level of the foot, from the terraces of the hotel or inclu­ding the aerial and satel­lite view of Google Maps. A2arquitectos opted for a concen­tric circular orga­niza­tion of the elements, where the children’s pool is the centre. This yellow circle has 12 meters of diameter and clearly differs from the other pools in form and color. Orbi­ting around it, they are differ­ents areas with water games for children, showers, sola­rium… Using a colorful live in this system, unlike the rest of the hotel, they give it a natural place outside the exis­ting original forms. With great inten­tion this colourful fun corner differs clearly from the elegant rest of the hotel. The ques­tion of which area you like better now may only depend on your age.

Project data


A2 Arqui­tectos Juan Manz­anares Suárez Cris­tian Santandreu Uter­mark


Promo­tora los Rosa­litos S.L. Regina García Borrás. Melchor Mascaró. Frei­x­anet sauna­sport S.L.


Hotel Castell dels Hams


1967, 2011, 2014


Johannes Bühl­be­cker More Sports Media


Hotel Castell dels Hams Crta. Manacor Porto Cristo Km. 10 Porto Cristo Mallorca, Spain

Aerial view

Thank you, Google!


Laura Torres Roa Antonio Benito Amen­gual.

Pictures of pool and spa

Pictures of “Smile”



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