From bigness to compression

Xili Sports and Cultural Centre, Shenzhen


Located in a resi­den­tial area along the Dasha Green Corridor, which stret­ches from the Nanshan moun­tain park to the Yangtai moun­tain park, the soon-to-be realised Xili Sports and Cultural Centre, Shen­zhen is an expe­ri­ence centre for sports, well-being, leisure and culture seeking to achieve profound connec­tions between nature, sports and culture, thus serving wide-ranging age groups and inte­rests.

Shen­zhen (12,470,000 inha­bi­tants) is the fastest deve­lo­ping urban region in China, trans­forming from produc­tion to a more know­ledge-driven economy. These new sports centres fit into these deve­lo­p­ments focu­sing on a better quality of life. The city’s boom as an economic power­house has given rise to high-density usage, with stadium-sized sports arenas to match.


From bigness to compression through understanding

There is now a need for a more human-centred approach. The chall­enge was to go from bigness to compres­sion through under­stan­ding urba­nism.

MVRDV’s design for the densi­fi­ca­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of a sports and cultural centre responds to the growing demand for fitness sports venues, with the inten­tion of intro­du­cing a more fun, human, social and sustainable model that departs from popu­list Olympic-sized sports arenas. Exer­cise is still the main func­tion here, but inter­ac­tion within singular spaces gives way for more open zones, where diffe­rent sports and social acti­vi­ties can occur. The centre is an urban inter­face that allows for flexible use during diffe­rent time frames, crossing boun­da­ries between sports and culture, whilst streng­thening the commu­nity by encou­ra­ging locals and visi­tors to interact in these multi­func­tional spaces.


Achter­klooster 7
NL — 3011 RA Rotterdam
PO Box 63136
NL — 3002 JC Rotterdam
t  +31 (0)104772860
f  +31 (0)104773627 

MVRDV china 
Anken Air
4I, 4F, No. 1 Buil­ding, No. 181
Lane 465 Zhen Ning Road
CHINA — 200050 Shanghai
t +86 21 62880609  

Project team

Design team:
Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries, Wenchian Shi, Gustavo van Staveren, Tian­tian Zhang, Daehee Suk, Duong Vu Hong, Patryk Slusarski, Xiao­ting Chen, Mikel Vazquez, Bowen Zhu

Zhubo Archi­tec­ture Design


Shen­zhen Nanshan Govern­ment

Large-scale with a social aspect

MVRDV wanted to combine a large-scale sports stadium with a social aspect connec­ting it with the commu­nity. This was achieved by arran­ging diffe­rent volumes on the site around a new diagonal (green) bridge linking the Chaguang metro station in the south, with the Tanglan moun­tains in the north, making this centre a stage for diffe­rent users — nature, sports and culture.

The 105,000m² centre consists of a

  • 20,000m² theatre-amphi­theatre,
  • 15,000m² Basket­ball-Badminton arena,
  • 10,000m² multi­func­tional arena and
  • 6,000m² swim­ming pool,

presen­ting a dynamic public space with multiple layers. During the day, on the evenings or at weekends, diffe­rent groups of people with diffe­rent needs can also serve as a guide­line for programming of the coll­ec­tive spaces. A special elevated running track is the signa­ture element of the complex as it connects, weaves in and out of all volumes. It also invites people to go for an exci­ting run around the complex, relax and socia­lise both inside and outside.



MVRDV’s team worked with co-archi­tects, Zhubo Archi­tec­ture Design who are renowned for their influ­en­tial works in Shen­zhen and throug­hout China, along­side adop­ting a huma­ni­stic approach to the effect of the design and cons­truc­tion process on health, well-being and fitness.

Xili Sports and Cultural Centre will be MVRDV’s first project under cons­truc­tion in Shen­zhen, starting in 2017.

Physical address

Xili an area of Nanshan District
South China



2017 +

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