Come together

The Skate­park Schar­beutz




maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur


The Schar­beutz Skate­park is located in the imme­diate vici­nity of the Baltic Sea. The shape of the faci­lity is based on the lines of the shore prome­nade and thus blends seam­lessly into the terrain.

The very special loca­tion directly on the Baltic Sea results in a unique loca­tion. Its imme­diate proxi­mity to camp­sites and holiday homes makes it another tourist magnet for the Baltic Sea spa.


The inspi­ra­tion for the Schar­beutz Skate­park is the Baltic Sea and its charac­te­ristic dunes. The waves are the design motif. The ramps are modelled on them, as are the diffe­rent levels, which are equipped with skate elements.

The plan­ning was deve­loped and defined in several work­shops and parti­ci­pa­tion meetings toge­ther with the young people and skaters from various sports in the area. In this way, the actual needs of the users were taken into account and met. At the same time, they iden­tify much more strongly with the skate park.


A barrier-free access directly on the beach prome­nade invites ever­yone into the park. There is even a seating grand­stand for spec­ta­tors and passers-by. It provides a great view over the entire skate­park — and creates a skilful tran­si­tion between the higher prome­nade and the lowest level of the skate­park.

The diffe­rent levels of the skate­park are bordered by the dunes and form a gentle tran­si­tion into the exis­ting topo­graphy — which has also been planted and land­scaped with dune grasses.

In-situ concrete

In order to achieve ideal rolling charac­te­ristics within the skate park, the faci­lity was cons­tructed using the in-situ concrete method. This created a smooth surface with which the desired indi­vi­dual shapes and elements could be realised.

Compared to wooden ramps, in-situ concrete faci­li­ties like the Schar­beutz skate park can be used for a long time, require little main­ten­ance and are low-noise.


Coloured concrete was used in the Schar­beutz skate park. The colour ochre is based on the sand of the dunes. The design of the tran­si­tions, banks and ramps in this colour concrete supports the already mentioned design idea that this skate park should suggest the impres­sion of undu­la­tions.

The skate park has three diffe­rent riding areas: a jumpline, a skate pool and a skate plaza. This divi­sion avoids conflicts between the diffe­rent user groups.

Jumpline and skate pool

In the nort­hern area there is a jumpline, which is mainly used by bikers, scooter riders and inline skaters. The approach ramp is modelled on a ship’s stern.

The skate pool sepa­rates the jumpline from the plaza area. It is a funda­mental part of the design, as pool skating is a basic compo­nent in the deve­lo­p­ment of skate­boar­ding. In the past, and still today, the move­ments of surfing were imitated there — another good reason to build a skate­park by the sea.

The organic shape of the Kidney­bowl (the name comes from its bean-like form) means that the pool blends in perfectly with the topo­graphy of the beach. Pool depths of 140 to 180 cm make it ideal for all skate sports.

Skate plaza

The so-called “Plaza” is located in the southern area of the Skate­park Schar­beutz. This type of faci­lity describes the areas of the park that are modelled on a public square. There you will find elements that are inspired, for example, by benches and stair railings in the city.

This area can be used by skaters, bikers, scooter riders and inline skaters alike.

Come toge­ther.

We did this.

Project data


maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur
Rösra­ther Straße 769
D — 51107 Köln


maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur


maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur

Amelie Schiffer
Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media



Physical address

Skate­park Schar­beutz
Strand­allee 98C
D — 23683 Schar­beutz




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