Take me anywhere

Polycomp Jogging Track

Melos GmbH

Where ever you want

Jogging is one of the most popular and common types of exer­cise. It is prac­tised all over the world, and can be pursued almost anywhere as there are dedi­cated jogging tracks in urban areas and you can also jog in the country. A new recent trend is “city jogging”, or “sight running” — combi­na­tion of jogging and sight­seeing. It’s a way to discover the world’s grea­test cities from comple­tely diffe­rent perspec­tives.

Feels good

However, whether the jogging track is located in a city or on a cruise ship, a floor cove­ring that feels good is an important comfort factor. Poly­comp Jogging Track comfort floor cove­ring feels good under­foot and is joint-friendly for the joggers and pede­strians.

Easy to install

The coating system is applied to a poly­ure­thane base layer and can be installed on already exis­ting asphalt or concrete. Thanks to its textured surface, the Poly­comp Jogging Track is non-slip. They system also impresses with  outstan­ding grip.

Polycomp Jogging Track Setup

  1. Primer
    The primer is the bonding layer between the Poly­comp Jogging Track and the exis­ting substrate (concrete / asphalt).
  1. Base layer
    The elastic layer consists of PUR-bonded EPDM granules and allows for a consis­t­ently comfor­table feeling under­foot.
  1. Pore sealer
    The pore sealer ensures that the system is water imper­meable.
  1. PUR Coating
    The coating is composed of PUR-bonded EPDM granules. This is available in diffe­rent colors.

At a glance

Elastic and joint-friendly

Unlike asphalted pave­ments, the Poly­comp Jogging Track is elastic and ther­e­fore parti­cu­larly joint-friendly.


Thanks to its textured surface, the Poly­comp Jogging Track is non-slip. This track is also safe to use when wet.

Virgin mate­rial

All system compon­ents are 100% new and unused and manu­fac­tured from high-quality raw mate­rials.

Wide choice of colours

Red, green and blue are parti­cu­larly popular choices for the Poly­comp Jogging Track. However, Melos also offers a wide choice of other colours.

Melos GmbH

Melos deve­lops and produces coloured and inno­va­tive system compon­ents for arti­fi­cial turf pitches, running tracks, multi­pur­pose sports fields, play­grounds and many other appli­ca­tions. Further­more, our team realises custo­mized solu­tions in Cable Compounds and Costumer Solu­tions, which are processed in the cable industry and the auto­mo­tive sector.
Melos employs 200 people of staff. Our team discusses and delivers/ supplies results, which further you.

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