The desire for urbanity

Jean-Louis Trintignant Sports Hall in Uzès


The chall­enge of buil­ding the Jean-Louis Trin­tignant Sports Hall in Uzès was to suggest a project that can work perfectly with the exis­ting envi­ron­ment while crea­ting optimal condi­tions allo­wing sports prac­tice. The main focus is spot on the utility of the inte­rior areas, as well as the lighting in order to offer comfort for both players and spec­ta­tors. Jean-Louis Trin­tignant Sports Hall must above all be a consti­tuent element of the Zac Mayac project while allo­wing conti­nuity with the borde­ring College project also realized by the agency back in 2003. This project takes up the mine­ra­lity of the college by modi­fying its mate­ria­lity. The perfo­ra­tions of the facades are the parti­cu­la­rity that the Sports Hall poss­esses.


Privat Architecture – François Privat
9 bis Rue Benoit
F‑30 700 Uzès
NBJ architectes
Elodie Nourrigat & Jacques Brion
4 rue des Trésoriers de la Bourse
F‑34000 Montpellier




One of the major stakes of Jean-Louis Trin­tignant Sports Hall lies in its ability to gene­rate urba­nity. Thus the front square plays a primor­dial role, thought as an urban place; the square is intended to be homo­ge­neous in its repre­sen­ta­tion, uniting the pede­strian zone with the parking areas. Enti­rely glazed, the entrance of the sports hall offers a visual trans­ver­sa­lity from the square directly to the play area. At night it serves as a signal for visi­tors. In this confi­gu­ra­tion, the impact of the Sports Hall on the imme­diate envi­ron­ment is reduced, matching the topo­graphy of the place, Jean-Louis Trin­tignant Sports Hall adapts to the cons­traints of the plot and the program. This posi­tion has the effect of unifying the buil­ding and at the same time offe­ring it a unique and readable iden­tity. The playful­ness of the volumes is easy to read and acces­sible to all students.


General Council of Gard + Segard


NBJ Architectes


Paul Kozlowski


This compo­si­tion takes into conside­ra­tion the entire volume of the Sports Hall. All the tech­nical elements are hidden under the roof, inte­gra­ting a fifth façade on the main volume. The atten­tion we pay to an element often negle­cted but visible from the surroun­dings, shows our concern to obtain a genuine inte­gra­tion. The internal orga­niza­tion of Jean-Louis Trin­tignant Sports Hall is intended to be an example of simpli­fi­ca­tion of the distri­bu­tion elements for both public and users and tending towards a clear and displayed legi­bi­lity of diffe­rent spaces. The entrance, directly connected to the cour­tyard, offers a tran­si­tion by the front square. A real exch­ange takes place between the inside and the outside. The glass panorama in conti­nuity of the cour­tyard offers an impregnable view on games taking place inside, animating thus the surroun­dings of the hall thanks to sports prac­tice. The sports ground is at the center­piece of the venue while remai­ning clearly defined. At the same time the inte­rior compo­si­tion is such that the hall offers gene­rous access to the stands, invi­ting people to parti­ci­pate in the events. Access to the dres­sing rooms is also provided by wide stair­case in the hall, all under the super­vi­sion of the recep­tion placed stra­te­gi­cally in the heart of the flows. The goal is to create a comfor­table and welco­ming atmo­sphere in the gym, favoring clear colors so in order not to obstruct spec­ta­tors’ vision of games. The welco­ming and warm atmo­sphere of Jean-Louis Trin­tignant Sports Hall is upgraded by the usage of wood. The natural light is essen­tial for the healthy func­tio­ning of the sports hall, which is why the gymna­sium is illu­mi­nated by skylights on the roof and by the open­work façade for optimal ambi­ence and game condi­tions.


Quartier Mayac Route de Saint Ambroix F‑30700 Uzès

Aerial view

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