Let’s get physical

Dashte Noor fitness gym

Dashte Noor fitness gym is one of the public buil­dings of Dashte noor resi­den­tial, recrea­tional complex in nort­hern Iran. The client’s main demands were two sepa­rate halls, being coor­di­nated with the other parts of the complex while being a unique mass. As a result the concept was, desig­ning a buil­ding with a dynamic mass which is an inte­gral and a part of the surroun­ding land­scape.

The main sky line of this site is made of forest, green hills and a blue sky. Ther­e­fore, the mass of Dashte Noor fitness gym moves from the ground very softly and reaches the sky. Having a peak in the form somehow memo­rizes the libe­ra­tion of the spirit, energy and also the connec­tion between the earth and the sky.


Narges Nassiri


Mohsen Ghomi, Mohammad reza Mosavi, Keyvan Amidpoor


Dashte Noor


Narges Nassiri


Shahriyar Mazaheri


Ground plans

The idea of desig­ning a full length window facing the sky was to frame a reflec­tion of it and also having an orien­ta­tion towards light. Desig­ning a skin which moves on the mass and selec­ting wood as the main mate­rial of the facade makes the buil­ding closer to nature.

Dashte Noor fitness gym is located in a site with an area about 745m². The ground floor is about 235sqm which includes the lobby, a body­buil­ding hall, bath­rooms, chan­ging rooms and a bar. The first floor is about 170 m² inclu­ding another hall, bath­rooms, chan­ging rooms and another bar and a place to sit and rest.


The main concept of the inte­rior design was to create a space which reflects and gives the feeling of the whole mass and the exte­rior form while doing exer­cise inside the gym. The cons­truc­tion of the buil­ding are the two walls which face east and west and are both huge trestles which move with the curve and pull the 9 meter canti­lever in the entrance. The two arch walls in the entrance and under the canti­lever help to asso­ciate the main idea of rising from the ground towards the sky.

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