Creates relationships

Centro Cívico Salburua

Autonomous and ambitious

Centro Cívico Salburúa is a buil­ding that combines sporting, cultural and admi­nis­tra­tive uses to service the neigh­bor­hood Salburua in Vitoria.

The project conceives the civic center as a gathe­ring of people to carry out various social, cultural, recrea­tional or sports acti­vi­ties.


Avda. Monasterio del Escorial, 4,
28049 ES-Madrid


Juan Luis Geijo, Juan Dávila, Gonzalo Carro
Maria Robredo, Oscar Ferreira, Javier Manjón, Aintzane Gastelu-Iturri, Daniela Bustamante, Beatriz Pagoaga, Aitziber Olarte

Offers culture and sports

The program of the buil­ding is divided into three levels:

  • The ground floor has more public uses such as a café, lounge, hall, confe­rence room, etc.
  • The base­ment has all sports faci­li­ties except for the pool.
  • The first floor has admi­nis­tra­tive areas, cultural spaces (library, study room, Infotek and work­shops) and the pool with its own dres­sing room.


Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz




Aitor Ortiz

Creates relationships

The floor conveys this concept of diffu­sion thanks to a glass façade through which you can see what is happe­ning inside, and even across the street, estab­li­shing a fusion between urban space and inside the civic center, streng­thening its public character.

In contrast, the first floor has a less permeable, more abstract language, avoi­ding the usual human scale, in order to obtain a stronger and more powerful image.

Despite being a very compact buil­ding of appro­xi­m­ately 110x60 meters, it is very bright thanks to the many patios that traverse the entire buil­ding and that help estab­lish visual rela­ti­onships between the various acti­vi­ties taking place in the center


Bratislava Hiribidea, 2,
01003 Vitoria-Gasteiz

Aerial view

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Ground plan of level ‑1
Ground plan of level 0
Ground plan of level 1
Ground plan of level 2
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