blueSmart in Salzburg


What do Mirabell Palace, the Volksgarten ice arena, the Liefering sports centre and the historic Volksgarten swimming pool have in common?

The electronic access organisation blueSmart secures the government headquarters as well as municipal properties and sports facilities.

Salz­burg is always worth a trip: The romantic old town invites people to wander around, offers a wealth of historic sights and world-famous festi­vals welcome visi­tors with an inte­rest in culture.

Other attrac­tive desti­na­tions include Salzburg’s sports faci­li­ties such as the Volks­garten ice arena, the Liefe­ring sports centre and the historic Volks­garten swim­ming pool.

The city’s magis­trate is based in the baroque UNESCO World Heri­tage Site Mira­bell Palace. Visually spea­king, time seems to have stood still in the birth­place of Mozart. However, if you look closely, you will discover the latest tech­no­logy from Wink­haus.

blueSmart elec­tronic access control systems secure the govern­ment head­quar­ters as well as muni­cipal proper­ties and sports faci­li­ties – inclu­ding the popular Volks­garten ice arena, the Liefe­ring sports centre and the historic Volks­garten swim­ming pool.

Well over 1,000 elec­tronic door cylin­ders in total and many other smart system compon­ents such as upload readers and ETB-IM elec­tronic door handles ensure controlled access in the state capital.

There are a number of reasons why blueSmart is so popular in the Mozart city. A key factor is the compact shape of the door cylin­ders, as they also fit into historic doors and subtly blend into the aesthe­tics of the surroun­dings.

blueSmart also offers high flexi­bi­lity and relia­bi­lity, which the decision-makers were impressed with right from the start. Wink­haus buil­ding manage­ment tech­no­logy has been in use for many years and the reliable service provided by Wink­haus’ compe­tent tech­ni­cians from Grödig, the head­quar­ters of Wink­haus Austria, is highly appre­ciated. This is a good reason to gradu­ally expand the exis­ting system and incor­po­rate new func­tions.

Around 400 electronic keys are used in the Mirabell Palace to unlock the electronically secured doors. Around 300 employees and political party members come in and out of the buildings.

The baroque Mira­bell Palace complex is one of the city’s most popular tourist attrac­tions, while also fulfil­ling its role as a state-of-the-art admi­nis­tra­tive and govern­ment base. The ground floor of the buil­ding houses the depart­ments with high levels of public traffic, such as the pass­port office or the city treasury. As these are sensi­tive areas that must be easily acces­sible to citi­zens on the one hand, but also effec­tively protected against unwanted access on the other, safety and secu­rity pose a parti­cular chall­enge here. 


In order to resolve the appa­rent contra­dic­tion between secure locking and citizen-orien­tated service and to save costs in the process, the decision was made in 2006 to imple­ment an elec­tronic blue­Chip locking system from Wink­haus. Since then, this system has secured the outer skin and was already compa­tible with the exis­ting alarm system back then.

Today, the blueSmart system, the next gene­ra­tion of Wink­haus elec­tronic access control systems, is used. It is also compa­tible with exis­ting secu­rity systems.

With their unob­tru­sive design, the flush-mounted elec­tronic blueSmart door cylin­ders do not inter­fere with the appearance of the historic doors in the Mira­bell Palace. No wiring is required, because the battery-operated cylin­ders work off-line. They are also cold-resistant and low-main­ten­ance: The batte­ries have a service life of up to 10 years, depen­ding on the type. There is no need to oil the cylin­ders, as is the case with mecha­nical locking systems, as the tip of the elec­tronic key is made of plastic and does not cause metal abra­sion on the contact surfaces.

Since access control has been reliable from the very begin­ning, nume­rous expan­sions have been added over the years. More than 430 cylin­ders now secure the palace complex.

Around four hundred elec­tronic keys are used in the Mira­bell Palace to unlock the elec­tro­ni­cally secured doors. Around three hundred employees, the mayor, the local coun­cil­lors and poli­tical party members come in and out of the buil­dings. The premises are also used by external orga­ni­sa­tions and the church, for example.

Only a flexible locking system is able to reliably manage access for so many diffe­rent groups. Wink­haus blueSmart supports users with a variable colour concept: The elec­tronic keys have diffe­rent colours that enable precise assign­ment to the indi­vi­dual user groups. Employee keys also contain an addi­tional trans­ponder for time recor­ding.

All keys feature an espe­ci­ally sturdy plastic casing that is water­proof (IP 68) and resistant to hand disin­fec­tants, is easy to clean and easy to grip.

They are simple to use, with a system based on the usual locking beha­viour: The key is simply inserted and turned. The authen­ti­ca­tion check takes place in the back­ground and unno­ticed by the user.

The manage­ment soft­ware for the elec­tronic locking system in the palace runs on a central server. Five clients are set up in the system, so that those respon­sible on site – such as in the swim­ming pool or sports hall – can also work with it without having to go through the town hall.

A process that involves signi­fi­cant effort with a mecha­nical locking system, can be completed with just a few mouse clicks with the elec­tronic solu­tion: If a lost key is reported, the autho­ri­sa­tion can be with­drawn from this key without delay. Chan­ging locking autho­ri­sa­tions are managed just as easily. The Wink­haus blue­Con­trol Profes­sional soft­ware provides user-friendly support. And when the programme requires an update or main­ten­ance, Wink­haus provides quick and expert support.

Employees in charge of the locking system can ther­e­fore manage any relo­ca­tions within the admi­nis­tra­tive offices with minimal stress.

Access to sports in Salzburg is similarly well organised as access to Mirabell Palace. This is especially true for the Volksgarten outdoor pool, the Red Bull ice arena and the Liefering sports centre.

The sports faci­li­ties in the Mozart city are much younger than the palace. The Volks­garten swim­ming pool dates back to the late 19th century, the Red Bull ice arena was built in the 1960s, while the Liefe­ring sports centre was built just a few years ago.

The outdoor pool, which Salz­burg locals affec­tion­a­tely call “Volksi”, has grown over the decades and was also fitted with an elec­tronic locking system in 2020. An upload reader and thirty blueSmart door cylin­ders secure the outdoor and indoor areas.

Salzburg’s ice rink is located in the imme­diate vici­nity. It offers space for 3,400 spec­ta­tors and was converted into a multi-func­tional arena at the start of the mill­en­nium. Profes­sio­nals and amateurs of all ages from various clubs train here.

The requi­re­ments for access manage­ment are ther­e­fore high. The two ice rinks, one of which is outdoors, offer a wide range of ice sports acti­vi­ties: in addi­tion to public and forma­tion ice skating, these include ice hockey, figure skating, curling and short track.

Trade fairs, concerts, musi­cals and exhi­bi­tions are also held here in the summer months from April to September.

Access is controlled by almost 300 elec­tronic door cylin­ders, which mini­mise the risk of injury from crushed fingers and offer little surface for acci­dental or inten­tional damage, as well as three blueSmart upload readers. 

In the admi­nis­tra­tion area, the doors are equipped with elec­tronic door handles (ETB-IM). In addi­tion to the elec­tronic blueSmart keys, employees also use trans­pon­ders to unlock doors without touching them.

In 2016, a sports hall was built as a posi­tive energy buil­ding for the first time in Austria in the form of the Liefe­ring sports centre. It meets the Smart City stan­dards and has been awarded the CLIMATE ACTIVE GOLD STANDARD.

The buil­ding gene­rates more energy than it needs itself. Its three-field sports hall offers space for nume­rous sports and is also geared towards disabled sports. A move­ment room and office space for the clubs complete the range of faci­li­ties. 

The smart tech­no­logy of the buil­ding, which includes a blueSmart locking system, fades into the back­ground. 120 door cylin­ders and three upload readers safe­guard the indoor area and the outdoor faci­li­ties. blueSmart also effec­tively controls flood­light systems and other appli­ca­tions.

Project data

Access organisation

Aug. Wink­haus GmbH & Co. KG  
Hessenweg 9 
D‑48157 Münster




Irena Byrdy-Furman­czyk


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