The modular pool

Allas Sea Pool


The Allas Sea Pool is a floa­ting sea pool that is opera­tional all year round. It offers an oppor­tu­nity to enjoy outdoor bathing even in the Nordic winter weather. The goal is to offer an expe­ri­ence of the Nordic values of good life by acti­vating people’s rela­ti­onship to the water­front and by provi­ding a comfor­table and invi­ting atmo­sphere.

The first Allas Sea Pool was completed in the very heart of Helsinki in May 2016. After the pilot phase, the Sea Pool Family is now expan­ding both natio­nally in Finland and inter­na­tio­nally around the world. In order to create a new global concept for the Allas Sea Pool Family, an invited archi­tec­ture compe­ti­tion was orga­nized by Töölö Urban in April 2018. The proposal by OOPEAA was selected as the winning entry. The jury praised the proposal by OOPEAA for its impres­sive outdoor archi­tec­ture and for its strong concept.

The future Sea Pools will be built on floa­ting plat­forms on coastal sites in places where it is not possible to build on land. There will be several variable factors on each buil­ding site, and the concept needs to be flexible, modular and adjus­table. The first one in the series on floa­ting pools to be realized on the basis of the global concept deve­loped by OOPEAA in diffe­rent cities around the world will be built in Oulu in Nort­hern Finland. It is sche­duled to be ready in 2019.

New Nordic Urban

The winning proposal for the new global concept for the Allas Sea Pool Family by OOPEAA takes the notion of the New Nordic Urban as its starting point. The ‘New Nordic Urban’ is defined as a sense of expe­ri­ence. It brings toge­ther the Nordic sensi­bi­lity for the contem­pla­tion on nature with a healthy orien­ta­tion towards physical acti­vity and an urban incli­na­tion towards the social aspects of life. It is a cele­bra­tion of the Nordic values of egali­ta­rian sharing and good life.The ‘New Nordic Urban’ is essen­ti­ally about brin­ging toge­ther the social sense of the urban (to see and to be seen + to share in the company of others) and a chance to enjoy nature and the element of water (contem­pla­tion + physical acti­vity and sports).


The concept builds on the seam­less choreo­graphy of move­ment and tran­si­tion between open spaces and vistas, semi-open spaces with views, and closed spaces joined by pathways of tran­si­tion connec­ting diffe­rent types of spaces toge­ther. It is about the choreo­graphy of what is seen and what is hidden from the view, and the choreo­graphy of moving from one type of space and acti­vity or mode of being to another. It is also about how people move, both physi­cally in the space and also mentally through their expe­ri­ence: from the rela­xa­tion of the spa and sauna to the enga­ge­ment in sports and physical acti­vity to enjoying the social aspects of life in the company of others.

Modular and scalable building system

With a flexible buil­ding system, the archi­tec­tural concept is scalable and appli­cable to any site in the world. At the moment the proposed range of the sizes varies from the smal­lest size with an indoor area of 800 to the largest size of 3500 m² built on a floa­ting plat­form varying in size from 2000 m² to 10 000 m². In the future also smaller and larger appli­ca­tions may be deve­loped. Combined with a custom toolbox, the modular system opens up possi­bi­li­ties for easy custo­miza­tion depen­ding on varia­bles such as custo­mers’ needs, seasonal changes and local requi­re­ments etc. It can be adapted to meet the needs of diffe­rent audi­ences.

The timber struc­ture made of CLT elements is an ecolo­gical choice that allows for flexi­bi­lity in appli­ca­tion as well as for sustaina­bi­lity in the life cycle of the buil­ding. Trans­por­ta­tion of the modular elements for the partly floa­ting struc­ture is possible to arrange over water­ways.

Project data


Office for Peri­pheral Archi­tec­ture
Tiede­katu 2
FI-60320 Sein­ä­joki


Anssi Lassila,
Kazu­nori Yama­guchi, Tomoya Nishi­mura, Liuxin Yang, Teemu Leppälä


Töölö Urban




Kata­ja­no­k­an­lai­turi 2a
FI — 00160 Helsinki
(case study)

Competition year


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