Architecture is action

 A roof for Barrancabermeja´s Parks


In Barranca­ber­meja, a muni­ci­pa­lity on the banks of the river Magda­lena, in Colombia’s depart­ment of Santander, stands this open pavi­lion contai­ning recrea­tional and sports faci­li­ties. The 7,000-square-meter public center is protected by a modular struc­ture raised on slender columns, faci­li­ta­ting future enlar­ge­ments. The system of elon­gated rhombi has openings to filter in sunlight and incor­po­rate venti­la­tors, sprink­lers, and sound and lighting devices.


This projects aim is to create an open space that gives true rele­vance to the role of the commu­nity in the cons­truc­tion of a city. A modular system is composed from an elon­gated rhombus type piece that multi­plies and unites in a base module or a comple­men­tary module, making an adap­table and progres­si­vely growing and trans­forming struc­ture. A vast gene­ra­tive ceiling emerges from a series of connected and raised pieces that allow exis­ting and unique reali­ties of its loca­tion to infil­trate within its inte­riors. A sequence of physical percep­tions based on natural factors such as humi­dity, heat, cold or lumi­no­sity accom­pa­nied by controlled elements like light filtra­tion, fans and asper­sers, or sound and water imple­men­ta­tions, create a spon­ta­neous atmo­sphere that make people sensible to their own bodies rela­ti­onship with nature.


El Equipo Mazz­anti
Calle 69 No. 10 — 06


Gian­carlo Mazz­anti, Carlos Medellín, Humberto Mora, Simón Escabi, Juan Carlos Zapata, Luz Rocío Lamprea, Juan Carlos Zapata, Laura Pachón, Lorena Mendoza, Manuela Dangond, Andrés Melo,  Juan Esteban Parra, Julian Quiroz, Pablo Maal

Struc­tural engi­neer
Nicolás Parra


Muni­cipio de Barranca­ber­meja


El Equipo Mazz­anti


Alejandro Arango — Pequeño Robot
Dirección de foto­grafía: Mariana Bravo



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The struc­ture acts as a tool for promo­ting any sort of acti­vi­ties ranging from spor­tive, ludic, economic, academic and cultural, to social, taking advan­tage of its open kind that suggests inter­ac­tions between people and with nature. The design is defined by the trees’ and bushes’ shape, which deter­mine if the struc­ture bends, expands or wraps around them.

El Equipo Mazzanti

The archi­tects El Equipo Mazz­anti state: “Archi­tec­ture is action. We induce actions, happe­ning and rela­ti­onships, which allows us to develop forms, pattern and open mate­rial orga­niza­tions that act in the social opera­tions cons­truc­tion. With this we don´t refer to the appli­ca­tion of func­tional autho­ri­ta­rian diagrams but the action that trigger new day to day inter­ac­tions that are able to trigger beha­viors and new dyna­mics, encou­ra­ging people to act in ways they´ll never think to act.”

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