Sports and Culture Campus Gellerup

Rich in variety

Sports and Culture Campus Gellerup is the new heart of the district.

In Gellerup, parks, housing, 1,000 jobs — and the Sports and Cultural Campus Gellerup — have been built in the last ten years.

The Aarhus suburb of Gellerup has drama­ti­cally changed in the past ten years. The neigh­bour­hood has been totally trans­formed, several large blocks of flats have been demo­lished, and in their place a new and undu­la­ting urban park has been created, toge­ther with student accom­mo­da­tion, entre­pre­neu­rial envi­ron­ments and a muni­cipal power­house – Blixens – with 1,000 employees.

Sports and Culture Campus Gellerup is the new heart of the district.

A new library and a new commu­nity centre are located on Karen Blixens Boule­vard, and linked to a new purpose-built acti­vity centre. The vibe is clearly inter­na­tional, and the scale both impres­sive and enga­ging.

To provide the best acoustics in all configurations, the large communal space was equipped with Troldtekt acoustic panels in natural grey.

Sports and Culture Campus Gellerup comprises three very distinct buil­dings situated around a central square. The library and commu­nity centre has wooden facades, and is a very open and invi­ting buil­ding with strong ties to its surroun­dings.

Walking past, you can see what is happe­ning inside, which is a very good idea when you want to encou­rage new people to parti­ci­pate in the nume­rous acti­vi­ties.

Schon von außen ist erkennbar, was im Gebäude vor sich geht. Das animiert die Menschen, an den vielen Akti­vi­täten im Inneren teil­zu­nehmen.

The large communal space is a multi-purpose room featuring Trold­tekt acou­stic panels in natural grey – on both the walls and ceilings.

In a community as diverse as Gellerup, it is important that the new campus is a democratic place which is encouraging everyone to interact with other people.

The acti­vity centre to the south comes across as being more intro­verted, with large, smooth alumi­nium facades. However, through indi­vi­du­ally posi­tioned window sections it is possible to glimpse the enormous clim­bing walls, the main attrac­tion for Aarhus Clim­bing Club.
The buil­ding also houses attrac­tive trai­ning faci­li­ties for Circus Tværs, where children and young people can walk in off the street and learn advanced acro­ba­tics. To the east are the games pitches, the urban park and the swim­ming pool.
In the acti­vity centre, Trold­tekt acou­stic panels in blue, red and grey have been installed to give the room a sense of iden­tity while softening the concrete walls. In the foyer, black acou­stic panels have been installed on the ceiling, which go well with the trans­verse concrete beams and the artistic floor.

Project data


Stadt Aarhus / Brab­rand Bolig­fo­rening

Acoustic panels

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg

Physical address

Sports- og Kultur­campus
Karen Blixens Blvd. 23 — 27
DK — 8220 Brab­rand




Thomas Mølvig, Archi­tekt


Thomas Mølvig, Archi­tekt.

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