Pump track instead of PlayStation

The Wals-Siezenheim Pump Track


1 million laps of Austria’s largest pump track

The asphalt Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track is the largest in Austria. It is conve­ni­ently located directly next to the lake adja­cent to the motorway in Vieh­hausen. The faci­lity offers two mirrored tracks and a jump line situated on 900 m² of land.

Children, teen­agers and adults have been doing the rounds here since June 2017 – more than one million laps in just two years! This corre­sponds to 3.66 circum­na­vi­ga­tions of the earth or 146,000 km of driving distance.

One million laps on the Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track take about 7,300 hours or over 300 days. This just goes to prove that it is still wort­hwhile crea­ting alter­na­tives to mobile phones and the Play­Sta­tion.

Fresh air instead of a console

But what exactly is a Pump Track and what makes it so popular? The Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track is a multi­func­tional faci­lity consis­ting of roller tracks and small berms. The track can be used with almost any roller sports equip­ment: with wheels, bikes, skate­boards or scoo­ters.

The trend towards indi­vi­dual sports was taken into account during plan­ning and cons­truc­tion. The Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track very quickly attracts a large number of diffe­rent users – the fresh air alter­na­tive to mobile phones and game consoles.

Pump up Wals-Siezenheim

The up-and-down move­ment of the body, so-called “pumping”, gene­rates risk-free speed. This is why pump tracks have been clas­si­fied as one of the safer sports faci­li­ties. Further advan­tages: Spaces such as the Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track are almost main­ten­ance-free, resistant to vanda­lism and produce only a low noise level.

All these very good reasons moti­vated the commu­nity of Wals-Siezen­heim to assume a kind of pionee­ring role in 2017. In coope­ra­tion with Schnee­stern, a German provider of action sports faci­li­ties of (almost) every kind, they decided to build the largest asphalt pump track in Austria.

Thanks to the crea­tive track design of two mirrored tracks, the Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track also offers the perfect condi­tions to compete in compe­ti­tion. But whether in compe­ti­tion or just for fun: the Pump Track, which is very conve­ni­ently located next to an adven­ture play­ground, enhances the regional leisure acti­vi­ties enorm­ously.

Success through multifunctionality

Mayor Joachim Mais­linger considers the decision to build the Wals-Siezen­heim Pump Track to be the answer to the demands placed on modern muni­cipal sports faci­li­ties. “Abso­lutely ever­y­thing that has wheels is on the move here. The target group is age-inde­pen­dent and, with bikes, skate­boards, scoo­ters and inline skates, it offers much more diver­sity than conven­tional muni­cipal sports faci­li­ties.

Other muni­ci­pa­li­ties are now follo­wing this example and inves­ting in the future with a space such as this.

Schnee­stern will also be atten­ding the FSB (inter­na­tional trade fair for public spaces, sports or leisure faci­li­ties) in Cologne. Visit us in hall 7.1 booth 024.

We did this.

Project data and compa­nies involved

Design and construction

Schnee­stern GmbH & Co. KG
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 47
D‑87471 Durach


Ufer­straße 27
5071 Vieh­hausen


Matthias Schwarz & Marco Rues


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