Football in the Olympic Park

Fisht Stadium in Sochi


Located in the Olympic Park in Imeretin Valley in Sochi, Fisht Stadium was built for the Winter Olym­pics in February 2014, and hosted the opening and closing ceremonies.The stadium has been recon­s­tructed for the 2018 FIFA World Cup™ and was re-opened in 2017, where the venue hosted FIFA Confe­de­ra­tions Cup matches.

Unveiled in 2014 ahead of the Winter Olym­pics. The first foot­ball match took place on March 28, 2017 when the Russian national team played against Belgium. It later hosted FIFA Confe­de­ra­tions Cup 2017 matches.


Fisht Stadium was origi­nally named after Mount Fisht, a peak in the Caucasus range of moun­tains. In the local language, Adygeyan, “fisht” means “white head”. The silhou­ette of the arena, which was desi­gned by British archi­tects, resem­bles a snow-capped moun­tain peak.

City and legacy

 Sochi is the most famous and popular Russian resort. It spans 146 km along the coast of the Black Sea. Vaca­tio­ners may enjoy the city all year round thanks to its unique combi­na­tion of the subtro­pical climate and the moun­tai­nous land­scape – you can ski in the winter and bask in the sun in the summer. Sochi has become a promi­nent loca­tion in part thanks to the 2014 Olympic Games and the Sochi Auto­drom, a Formula 1 race­track.

Under current plans, the Russian national team will hold trai­ning camps and play some of its compe­ti­tive and friendly matches in Sochi. Fisht Stadium will also host a whole range of other mass-parti­ci­pa­tion events. Located nearby is Sochi’s Formula 1 circuit.


Russian Foot­ball Union


FIFA More Sports Media


© Host city Sochi




Олимпийский проспект Сочи, Kras­no­dar­skiy kray Russ­land, 354340

Aerial view

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2014, 2018

Spectator seats



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