
Dolní Břežany Sports Hall

Dolní Břežany

Having under­gone radical changes in the last few years, Dolní Břežany is a modern and attrac­tive place for living. The muni­ci­pa­lity has been very active in culti­vating the public space in the long term and archi­tec­ture and town plan­ning aspects are a major focus when conside­ring new projects. The primary school complex adjoi­ning the sports hall has also under­gone a major refur­bish­ment and exten­sion; the sports hall is its further deve­lo­p­ment stage. The Břežany School has obtained a new space for physical educa­tion; the hall is used by local sports clubs and by the general public in the evenings for recrea­tional sports. The gene­rous dimen­sions of the inte­rior make the venue suitable for cultural and social events.


The buil­ding is situated on the edge of a built-up area, in the center of a large deve­lo­p­ment zone. An attrac­tive archi­tec­tural concept – a spatial rota­tional ellip­soid form – is a response to both current requi­re­ments and an unknown future. The inau­gu­ra­tion and opera­tion of the hall can serve as a stimulus and inspi­ra­tion for the further growth of the muni­ci­pa­lity, which is why the connec­tion to the surroun­dings and the public space is as important as the natural link with the primary school.


Václavská 2068/14
120 00  Praha 2
Czech Republic


Aleš Kubalík, Josef Kocián, Jakub Našinec, Veronika Sávová


Community of Dolní Břežany,
5. Května 76
Dolní Břežany
Czech Republic

Aerial view

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Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice               



Construction costs

5.000.000 €
Site plan
Ground plan
Cross section


The hall has a rounded, smooth and abstract shape. The dome draws the scale closer to humans, the metallic surface mirrors the surroun­dings, while the borders of the sky and of the roof remain blurred. The buil­ding camou­flages its real dimen­sions and looks smaller than it is in reality. The wide stair­case in front of the hall, embedded into the terrain like the buil­ding itself, delineates the public space and creates a natural amphi­theater.


While the exte­rior distin­gu­ishes the sports hall from the school, the inte­rior blends with it using a combi­na­tion of white and grey surfaces and solid timber. The inte­rior layout reflects the surroun­dings. The entrance for the visi­tors is perpen­di­cular to the street and the parking lot, the west facing sliding window with a view of the town provides a connec­tion with the school yard, and the east facing window is a peek into the future. The hall is inte­grated into the school by means of a walkway.

Sports hall

The heart of the hall is a sports surface of 45 × 25 meters, of 8–9 meters in height, verti­cally divided into three parts using mobile blinds. Each of the thirds fits a volley­ball court; the divi­sion makes it possible to run three PE classes in parallel. The chan­ging rooms with sani­tary faci­li­ties are situated on the school side, on the ground floor, and wall bars divide them from the sports area; the machine room and offices are on the first floor. On the audi­ence side, there is a grand­stand for 250 spec­ta­tors, located above storage rooms for sports equip­ment and other faci­li­ties. A gangway connec­ting the two parts of the grand­stand over­looks an open vesti­bule with a snack bar, also an important space. The Les kanců graphic design studio desi­gned an original signage system for the sports hall, consis­ting of picto­grams and numbers hand-painted directly on the walls made of archi­tec­tural concrete.


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